4 Reasons To Be Optimistic About Indiana Jones 5

I got the chance to watch Blade Runner 2049 this past Friday, and I absolutely loved it! One of the things I loved, besides the great visuals and direction of Denis Villeneuve, is the performance of Harrison Ford. After The Force Awakens, and now 2049, it’s exciting to see the actor has returned to his once iconic form.
Indiana Jones 5 is supposed to be the next project for Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg. After the negative response to Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, I don’t think fans are that optimistic about another Indy adventure, myself included. But, with Ford’s last two films, both successful returns to iconic characters from his past, I think we have a lot to be optimistic about when it comes to Indiana Jones 5.
At this point in Ford’s career he does not have to make an Indy 5 if he doesn’t want to
Ford has spent a lot of his career being one of the highest paid performers in Hollywood. It is speculated that he got close to 20 million to return as Han Solo for The Force Awakens. In recent years he has taken on far less projects, he has only appeared in 4 films since 2014, and the only project he has right now upcoming is Indy 5. Ford is currently 75, he is rich and is considered one of the greatest movie stars that has ever lived—he doesn’t need to come back to the Indiana Jones franchise unless he really wants to. The fact that at this moment in his career, and life, that he wants to put back on the fedora I feel is a very positive sign.
Disney & the new Lucasfilm will be making the next Indiana Jones film
The last Indiana Jones film just couldn’t recapture the magic of the first 3 installments. Despite the main creative forces behind the first films returning, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford. Lucasfilm, before being sold to Disney, was pretty much ran solely by George Lucas. I am in no way a George Lucas hater, like so many others on the internet, but I do think bringing in some new blood to the franchise will be very helpful. The Force Awakens, and Ford’s performance, were helped greatly by J.J. Abrams and Disney’s involvement. Blade Runner 2049 also benefited by the first film’s director, Ridley Scott, passing the baton to a younger filmmaker, Denis Villeneuve. Spielberg and Ford will be working with a newly formed Lucasfilm and Disney on the upcoming installment, and I think that will give the franchise the shot in the arm it needs.
Indy has always been Ford’s favorite character
Ford has never seemed all that enamored with the character Han Solo. And, to be honest, I don’t think Rick Deckard from Blade Runner is all that important to him either. Indiana Jones is a completely different thing though. Harrison Ford has always talked very positive about the series, and why wouldn’t he, he’s the main character. Blade Runner, and especially Star Wars, are much bigger than Ford. You can make a Star Wars film and a Blade Runner film without Ford’s involvement, Star Wars has made 4 films without him. But, you can’t make an Indiana Jones movie without Indiana Jones. I think Spielberg, and Ford, are both coming back for another film because they don’t want to leave things with Crystal Skull. They want to leave the franchise on a much more positive note.
Ford is 2 for 2 recently when it comes to returning to iconic characters
Right now Ford is hot. There were a lot of doubts about Ford’s commitment to acting before Awakens and 2049. Films like Expendables 3, Ender’s Game, Cowboys & Aliens, and yes, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, made many question if Ford was just in the business still for a paycheck. His work in Awakens and 2049, two of his best performances I feel ever, show that he’s still invested in acting and still invested in the characters from his past. I think the Ford today, is much different from the one we saw in 2008s Crystal Skull. He seems to be far more invested in his craft and his legacy as an actor right now and that makes me very excited for Indiana Jones 5.
We will all find out if my optimism will be rewarded when Indiana Jones 5 opens in July 2020.