A BTS Look At How The E.T. Commercial/Sequel Was Created

A BTS Look At How The E.T. Commercial/Sequel Was Created
Legacy Effects created the E.T. effects for the return of the character for the recent Holiday xfinity ad. The sequel of sorts was released on Thanksgiving and has been a huge success with old and new fans alike. Today, Legacy Effects has released a video that documents how the beloved icon was brought back to life.
From Legacy Effects:
Legacy Effects proudly brings you this exclusive look behind the scenes for the "Re-Making" of Steven Spielberg’s iconic 1982 alien "E.T." together with Xfinity, Goodby Silverstien & Partners, and director Lance Acord for his touching update, on the Spielberg classic, that brings one of the screen’s most beloved character back home! Directed and edited by Matt Alavi.