Back to the Future Cast Reuniting For 35 Anniversary Screening

The Back to the Future cast, including Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and franchise co-creator Bob Gale, are reuniting for a 35 Anniversary screening of the classic time traveling adventure. The reunion is a part of the 11 annual TCM Classic Film Festival.
From Hollywood Reporter:
A remastered 35th anniversary screening of Back to the Future, with Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and screenwriter-producer Bob Gale set to attend, will kick off the 11th annual TCM Classic Film Festival, it was announced Wednesday.
The fan-friendly festival returns to Hollywood April 16-19 with the theme "Grand Illusions: Fantastic Worlds on Film."
More From Hollywood Reporter:
"Like virtually everyone else of my generation, I saw Back to the Future when it was released in 1985, and within an instant, the story, the characters, the music and the car, of course, became critical touchstones in my personal cinematic universe," Ben Mankiewicz, TCM primetime anchor and host of the festival, said in a statement.
Learn more about the event at the Hollywood Reporter.