Jurassic Park Is Returning To Theaters For The Film’s 25th Anniversary

Jurassic Park will return to theaters in September for the film’s 25th Anniversary. It will play for 3 days—September 16th, September 18th and September 19th. JP will play in over 500 theaters nationwide and tickets can be purchased through Fathom Events. The showings will also include a short remake of JP made up of fan films.
More from Entertainment Weekly:
It’s been 25 years since the gates of Jurassic Park opened the first time, welcoming viewers into a time-lost amusement park filled with beautiful dinosaurs, terrifying dinosaurs, and soaring John Williams music. To celebrate the big anniversary, Steven Spielberg’s original film will be returning to more than 500 theaters nationwide for three days: Sunday, Sept. 16, Tuesday, Sept. 18, and Wednesday, Sept. 19. Tickets can be purchased online at Fathom Events’ website or at participating theater box offices.
These anniversary screenings of Jurassic Park will include a 17-minute remake of the movie, created by fans around the world. The fan film will showcase fans’ ingenuity and passion, in a similar way as the legendary fan film Raiders! found young fans passionately remaking Spielberg’s first Indiana Jones film.
Learn more at Entertainment Weekly.