Our Fake ’80s Blockbuster Has A Title – Now It Needs A Story!

A few weeks ago we announced our partnership with Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Hitrecord for "The Fake ’80s Blockbuster Project!" The project now has a title – ARCADEMY! It also has a premise, but now we need a 3-5 sentence storyline pitch. You can contribute to the project here: https://hitrecord.org/projects/4438770
From Hitrecord:
The Fake ’80s Blockbuster Project has a title – Arcademy!
It also has a premise:
Steve’s single mom is always on his back about his addiction to the neighborhood arcade. One day a mysterious black truck pulls into Steve’s small town filled with advanced video games. Steve and his group of friends then have their arcade skills put to the ultimate test!
The filmmaker of Arcademy was able to get a pitch meeting with a Hollywood Executive based on the title and premise. But if the filmmaker wants funding – he is going to have to provide the Executive with 3-5 sentences that really flesh out the story of Arcademy.