The Spielberg Effect On The Upcoming Shazam

There has been a lot of talk about Steven Spielberg recently, mostly all attributed to his stance on Netflix. But, the Hollywood Reporter looks at the "Spielberg Effect" and its impact on the upcoming, Shazam. Spielberg has inspired a lot of films recently, including Bumblebee and the Spielberg directed, Ready Player One.
The Spielberg effect: Perhaps it’s that Shazam! plays more than a little like a superheroic version of Big in these trailers — although that Tom Hanks movie came out four decades after Billy Batson first spoke his magic word in the comic books — but there’s something about the trailers that suggests the 1980s family-movie output of Steven Spielberg. If this was intentional, it follows Bumblebee’s similar feel and, going back some years, J.J. Abrams’ very intentional Spielberg-ian homage Super 8 from 2011. Factor in the revival of Jurassic Park as a franchise and perhaps we should start to wonder if "Spielberg-ian" can be properly considered a viable adjective for movies at this point. Now, if only Spielberg would get cracking on that Blackhawk movie sometime soon…
Learn more from Hollywood Reporter.