5 Best Thrillers Streaming on Netflix in August

By Adam C. BetterAug 25, 2024 21:37 PMFilms
Best thrillers streaming on Netflix in August. Source: https://www.freemake.com/

When entertainment calls, a thrilling film can hit the spot. Thrillers transport audiences into tense worlds filled with serial killers, terrorists, and shocking twists, making them perfect escapism. The genre is diverse and guarantees never-ending variety for anyone who loves blood-pumping narratives. SSP prepared the top 5 thrillers to watch on Netflix this August.

Run Rabbit Run

In her first leading role since "Succession," Sarah Snook explores an Australian thriller centered on a fertility doctor's increasing suspicions regarding her young daughter. Her performance significantly diverges from her previous roles, pushing conventional thriller boundaries. The film cleverly combines elements reminiscent of "The Babadook" and "We Need to Talk About Kevin," compellingly heightening the tension as the plot unravels.

Emily the Criminal

"Emily the Criminal" showcases Aubrey Plaza's compelling portrayal of an economically displaced woman seeking avenues to transcend financial despair. This crime thriller casts a sharp light on desperate measures tailored for survival. Although some elements of the screenplay veer towards fiction, Plaza’s ability to embody a violent yet relatable character forces viewers to contemplate moral ambiguity starkly.

The Guilty

Antoine Fuqua directs Jake Gyllenhaal’s riveting performance as a demoted police officer who persists at his desk during a night shift striving to save an abducted caller. Minimalism enhances the tension; apart from Gyllenhaal, voices capture various perspectives throughout the investigation, shaping a uniquely engaging narrative focusing on stress and urgency.


Acclaimed Korean drama "Burning" transcends storytelling boundaries by melding two whimsical narratives authentically while creating an intriguing psychological portrait of relationships. Aimless connections deep-root atmospheres of unease among childhood friends with secrets wrapped amidst their troubled dealings, goading placement of effective shock near the story's conclusion.


Regarded as a classic, Park Chan-wook’s "Oldboy" pulsates with thematic intensity seasoned through intricate directorial craftsmanship. Following a story entangled by vengeance narratives explored through Ha-Dae's confinement and quest post-escape, it oscillated thrilling doubts over humanity’s psyche articulate emotional discontent provocatively.

Read also: 5 New Movies and Shows to Watch This Weekend on Top Streaming Services.

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