7 Superstitions About Cats From Around the World

Cats are steeped in superstitions worldwide. Some believe black cats are unlucky or lucky. What you or where you are matters every day, particularly if a cat crosses your path. By exploring these feline myths, you might change your perception of your furry companion.
1. Cats are Gossips
In the Netherlands, cats are thought to be gossipy creatures. It is believed they will reveal your deepest secrets. Because of this, people avoid having private talks when a cat is nearby, fearing the feline is eavesdropping.
2. A Grooming Cat Signals Visitors
In Japanese superstition, if a cat washes its face, it signifies that visitors are en route. This belief resonates in other cultures, including the U.S. There, some people expect a cleric’s visit after a cat starts cleaning its whiskers.
3. A Sneezing Cat Brings Luck
In Italy, when a cat sneezes, it's considered a sign of good luck. It suggests that money may soon come your way. For brides, hearing a cat sneeze on their wedding day foretells a successful marriage. However, three sneezes imply a cold might follow.
4. Black Cats Sink Ships
Black cats are surrounded by numerous superstitions. Ancient Egyptians connected them with the goddess Bastet, believing their presence would invite favor. Conversely, European lore linked black cats to witches, marking them as ominous. One lesser-known belief is that a black cat going on and off a ship foretells its sinking. Interestingly, some Irish and British beliefs claim black cats actually bring good luck to ships.
5. Cats Can Raise the Dead
In parts of Southern Europe, there's a chilling belief: A cat that leaps over a grave can bound the deceased into vampirism. This idea spread across regions; 19th-century writer William Henderson recounted an incident in England where a cat jumped over a coffin. Others hesitated to intervene until the cat was removed.
6. Cat Ladies Find Love
Despite modern notions linking cats to perpetual singledom, Pennsylvania German traditions say otherwise. For a woman eager to marry, it is said that "feeding the cat from her shoe" could aid her. The superstition is vague about what transpires next or how she removes leftover food.
7. Wet Cats Make It Rain
In certain parts of Indonesia, people believe cats control the weather. To invoke rain, they pour water over a cat, presuming the drenched feline later causes the downpour in revenge.
Earlier, SSP wrote about the meaning behind the evil eye.