Common Circle Symbols and Their Spiritual Meanings

Circles are recognized as vital symbols across various cultures. Below are some prominent circle symbols and their meanings.
Yin and Yang
The familiar yin-yang symbol features a large circle divided equally into black and white sections. Each side houses a smaller circle. This Taoist emblem signifies unity and the duality of opposing forces, promoting harmony within the universe.

The Ensō, a circle created using a single brush stroke, symbolizes Zen Buddhism. It represents concepts like enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and the void.

Derived from the Sanskrit term for "circle," mandalas consist of geometric designs serving as tools for meditation. They symbolize oneness, the universe, and the diverse spiritual journey towards enlightenment.
Flower of Life
A grid of intersecting circles forms the Flower of Life, an ancient symbol. Initially appearing floral, closer inspection reveals it as a repeating pattern of circles. Today, many utilize this symbol for meditation, akin to traditional mandalas.

The ouroboros depicts a snake or dragon consuming its own tail. This ancient symbol, found in Ancient Egypt and Greece, represents eternity, immortality, and the universe's cyclical nature. The oldest known image originates from China's Yellow River area, dating back 5,000 to 7,000 years, but its original significance remains unclear.
Chakras are the seven circular energy points throughout our bodies. Each links to various bodily parts and our spiritual development. They are crucial for unlocking potential and ascending consciousness levels.
The Wheel of Dharma (Dharmachakra)

The Dharmachakra, or Wheel of Dharma, is significant in Indian religions and is commonly associated with Buddhism. It embodies Buddha's eightfold path of universal morality. Upon delivering his first sermon, the Buddha is described as setting this wheel in motion.
The labyrinth consists of a complex maze within a circle. It presents a single viable route leading to completion, symbolizing our physical and spiritual journey toward our inevitable destinations.
Vesica Piscis

The vesica piscis forms when two overlapping circles touch at their centers. This shape symbolizes various concepts, such as divine glory, femininity, and fertility, representing the connection between spiritual and physical realms.
The Power of Circle Symbols
Circles have fascinated cultures for millennia. A circle embodies ideas of perfection, eternity, and cyclical patterns. As such, they appear prominently in art, illustrating their universal significance.
Earlier, SSP wrote about 11 spiritual meanings of sage.