Discovery of Midwood: A New Lumber Category Betwixt Hardwoods and Softwoods

Scientists have unearthed a potentially groundbreaking discovery: a new type of wood capable of revolutionizing our approach to carbon capture and combatting climate change. Traditional classifications have always divided trees into hardwoods or angiosperms (like oaks and maples) and softwoods or gymnosperms (such as pines and firs). However, recent findings suggest the existence of a third category dubbed "midwood." This discovery centers around the tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), more commonly known as the yellow poplar, a tree renowned for its rapid growth and substantial carbon storage capabilities, the Conversation reported.
Tulip trees can grow approximately 25 inches annually and reach towering heights of around 150 feet, capturing more carbon than their forest compatriots—sometimes an astounding two to six times more. Scientists from Cambridge University and Jagiellonian University examined fresh samples from the tulip tree using low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. This innovative technique allowed them to analyze the hydrated, living wood on a nanoscale, uncovering structural details typically obscured when examining dried wood.

Their observations confirmed that tulip tree wood doesn’t fit neatly into the established categories of hardwood or softwood. While hardwoods have cellulose macrofibrils about 15 nanometers in diameter and softwoods average around 25 nanometers, the tulip tree showcased an intermediary 22-nanometer diameter. This unexpected result introduced the concept of "midwood," which marries elements of both hardwood and softwood structures.
This revelation fundamentally challenges the old binary classification of tree types, pointing instead to a complex evolutionary history. Radiating from ancient relatives such as Liriodendron chinense, the tulip tree likely adapted superior carbon storage mechanisms when atmospheric CO2 dropped from 1,000 parts per million (ppm) to roughly 500 ppm some 30-50 million years ago.
In practical terms, this breakthrough suggests enormous potential for midwood application beyond its native habitats. Already a staple in South-East Asian plantations and favored for urban planning in the U.S., tulip trees offer a promising model. Researchers are now investigating breeding similar macrofibril structures into other species to maximize carbon capture efforts on a global scale.

The pursuit continues at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, where scientists hypothesize that other yet-unclassified midwood trees may exist—or that entire new categories await discovery. Future botanical investigations are indispensable for uncovering these unknowns, confirming once more the perennial value of rigorous plant science research.
Consequently, this significant scientific stride not only revises our understanding of botanical categorization but also signals a vital avenue for mitigating climate change, showcasing the astounding, often hidden potential of nature’s living giants.
Earlier, SSP wrote about advances in metamaterials and the fascinating journey of invisibility.