Dispelling Common Sleep Myths and Superstitions

Many of us adhere to sleep-related superstitions and myths, often rooted in centuries-old beliefs. From dietary habits to the direction of one's bed, these widespread assertions shape our nightly routines. The Sleepy People dissects several prevalent myths and superstitions, discerning the truths they hold, if any.
Common Superstitions
Waking a Sleepwalker Will Cause a Heart Attack: Experts caution against waking sleepwalkers, not because it’s deadly, but because it can leave them disoriented and possibly aggressive. The deep sleep state of a sleepwalker makes a sudden awakening more jarring than harmful.

Never Place Your Bed Facing the Door: Both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra caution against positioning a bed facing a door, citing bad luck and poor energy flow. Feng Shui dubs this the "dead man’s position," equating it to the layout during funeral processions. Optimal bed placements include against a solid wall, with free space around it.
Never Get Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed: The phrase suggesting someone woke in a bad mood stems from ancient belief systems. Roman culture indicated that getting out of bed on the left side was unlucky while Feng Shui presents a mixed view, sometimes associating it with prosperity.
Flip Your Mattress on Specific Days: A superstition dictates avoiding mattress flipping on Sundays, considered holy, or changing sheets on Fridays to evade bad luck. Practical mattress maintenance, however, only concerns itself with periodic flipping for even wear. Choose your preferred day without worry.

Place Cake Under Your Pillow for Romantic Dreams: An age-old tale narrates that sleeping with a wedding cake under a pillow will prompt dreams of one's future spouse. This 17th-century custom evolved to involve brides giving guests cake crumbs to place under their pillows. While factually unsupported, this superstition remains an enduring romantic token.
Ultimately, while the roots of many sleep-related customs remain shrouded in history, recognizing their limited factual basis can foster better sleep practices. Rest assured, informed choices lead to peaceful nights, regardless of myths or traditions.
Earlier, SSP wrote about 7 most famous Halloween superstitions.