Why you can't wear someone else's shoes: an explanation of the sign

In different situations, we may need someone else's shoes. For example, your sneakers got ruined, and someone kindly offered their pair for a while. SSPDaily talked about folk traditions that categorically do not recommend wearing other people's things.
Negative energy
Objects, including shoes, accumulate the energy of their owner. Unfortunately, this energy is not always positive. By wearing another person's shoes, you can receive someone else's negative energy, which can lead to unpredictable troubles.
It is not uncommon for friends to exchange shoes or heels if they find it more interesting or fashionable. However, girls who do this can find themselves in a love triangle, which leads to conflicts in the future.
In addition, it is important to remember that shoes are a personal item, so this is an unhygienic practice. There is always a risk of contracting a fungal infection when people share clothes.