Decoupling: Dark Matter Ahead in Collision of Mega Galaxy Clusters

By Jurassic JennJul 26, 2024 17:21 PMScience
Dark Matter. Source:

Dark matter and normal matter have been observed undergoing decoupling during a collision between two massive galaxy clusters known as MACS J0018.5+1626. This collision, which took place billions of light-years away from Earth, provided astronomers with a unique opportunity to directly investigate the velocities of both dark matter and normal matter.

Galaxy clusters, held together by gravity, primarily consist of dark matter, accounting for about 85% of their total mass. The remaining 15% is made up of normal matter, including hot gas, stars, and planets. During the collision, dark matter seemed to race ahead of the slower-moving normal matter, which interacts not only through gravity but also electromagnetism.

While individual galaxies in the clusters remained relatively unaffected due to the vast distances between them, the gas between galaxies became turbulent and superheated upon collision. Analogy can be drawn to a collision between multiple dump trucks carrying sand, where dark matter behaves like the sand, flying ahead, leaving the slow-moving normal matter behind.

The research team, led by Emily Silich, utilized data from various observatories such as the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory, the W.M. Keck Observatory, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope, and ESA's Herschel Space Observatory and Planck observatory. Combining these datasets, researchers were able to map out the velocities and orientations of both dark matter and normal matter involved in MACS J0018.5.

Observational techniques such as the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect were employed to measure the speed of the gas clouds within the clusters. By observing the scatter of photons from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as they pass through a cluster's hot gas, researchers could calculate the speed of the gas clouds based on a characteristic shift in brightness known as the Doppler shift. This method allowed measurements of both normal matter and dark matter velocities.

Previously discovered phenomena such as the Bullet Cluster provided examples of dark matter and normal matter decoupling. However, the orientation of MACS J0018.5 made it a unique case, with one cluster moving almost directly toward Earth while the other was receding. This provided researchers with a novel perspective for mapping the velocities and understanding the decoupling process during galaxy cluster collisions.

By analyzing gas temperature and location using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, researchers determined that the clusters were moving toward each other before the collision, at speeds reaching approximately 1% of the speed of light. Additionally, Hubble data assisted in mapping the dark matter through gravitational lensing.

This comprehensive analysis ultimately unveiled the reason behind the velocity discrepancies between dark matter and normal matter. Despite the challenge in visualization, the results confirmed that the orientation of the collision and the subsequent separation between dark matter and normal matter explained the opposing velocity measurements.

The study serves as a stepping stone for further investigations into the nature of dark matter. The unique insights gained from this research shed light on how dark matter behaves differently from normal matter, opening doors to novel ways of studying dark matter in galaxy clusters. With additional studies, astronomers hope to unravel the mysterious properties of dark matter, advancing our understanding of the universe.

Earlier, SSP told that the Juno mission captured the colorful and chaotic clouds of Jupiter.

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