Animal Rescuers Assist Fox Stuck in a Plastic Container

Animal rescuers in England helped a hungry fox that got its head stuck in a plastic container while searching for food.
Secret World Wildlife Rescue announced on social media that their team responded to a call about a fox "curiously looking for food" when it became trapped in a container.
"This Fox had managed to get its head stuck in a container whilst curiously looking for food! It was found very quick and our response team tried removing the container on arrival but were unable to do so! The Fox ended up going to Green Pastures Vets and the container was very carefully removed from its head and the fox was able to be released that evening with no injuries! This is a good reminder to always put your rubbish in the bin because it maybe a danger to Wildlife," says the post.
Initial attempts by the rescuers to remove the container failed, leading to the fox being transported to Green Pastures Vets for further help.
The wildlife rescue later confirmed, "The fox was able to be released that evening with no injuries."
They emphasized the importance of properly disposing of trash to prevent hazards for wildlife.