The infamous number 13: why it still fills people with great fear

By Jurassic JennJul 3, 2024 09:09 AMSuperstitions
Number 13
Number 13. Source:

The lingering avoidance of the number 13 in our society remains tied to superstition and permeates even the most pragmatic areas like construction. Many buildings, including apartments and hotels, purposefully exclude the 13th floor, opting to label it as 12A or utilize it for infrastructure rather than habitable spaces. Similarly, some houses numbered 13 tend to be priced lower due to the general disfavor toward the number. A survey conducted in Britain revealed that 14% of respondents considered the number 13 unlucky, while an additional 9% remained unsure. This is prepared by SSP.

Eagle-eyed observers in Cardiff have noticed the absence of the number 13 in a construction site at Central Quay. The inner supporting towers of the ongoing development exhibit numbered floors, except for the conspicuous absence of the 13th floor. This practice is surprisingly common in modern times, with various buildings intentionally skipping the number altogether. Sarah Thomas from Cardiff came across this phenomenon and, fueled by curiosity, further researched the widespread prevalence of avoidance of the number 13.

Exploring the historical roots of the belief, some associate it with Christianity and the accounts of Jesus Christ's last supper. With Judas Iscariot being the 13th seated person at the table, the coincidence of betrayal preceding Christ's arrest has contributed to the notion of 13's ill-fated associations. Moreover, Norse mythology attributes significance to Loki, the mischievous deity who served as the 13th guest at a disastrous gathering of gods. When combined with the superstition concerning Fridays—a day believed to be unfavorable due to Christ's crucifixion—the fear of "Friday the 13th" becomes magnified.

Interestingly, the stigma around the number 13 can be traced back to relatively recent times rather than ancient traditions. Dr. Juliette Wood, an expert in mythology and folklore from Cardiff University, asserts that this belief gained popularity around the turn of the 20th century and perpetuated through media portrayals, such as the "Friday the 13th" film series. While the association of 13 with the last supper or Norse mythology lacks historical basis, it has become an entrenched belief due to its plausibility and the narratives that surround it.

Although the superstition may seem irrational in a modern, enlightened society, humans have an affinity for such beliefs that provide reassurance and engagement with the unpredictable world around us. Recounting stories like the Roman Ides of March or the inescapable association of number 13 with misfortune lends a sense of tradition, even amid a mechanically driven society. In the realm of property development, estate agent Katie Griffin confirms the occasional omission of the 13th number from buildings to appease potential buyers concerned about superstitions, as seen with the sequential numbering of floors as 11, 12, 14.

During a survey of commuters, it appeared that most individuals took the superstition with a grain of salt, acknowledging its existence but not necessarily living according to its implications. Culturally determined beliefs and personal assessments of superstition influenced people's willingness to reside on the 13th floor, with factors such as upbringing and exposure to superstitions varying among individuals. Ultimately, despite the enduring avoidance of the number 13, the concept of superstition remains a fascinating exploration of how humans seek meaning and security in the uncertainties of life.

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