This Ingenious Life Hack Helps Prevent Food From Being Soggy During Microwaving

A woman has garnered praise for her 'game-changing' hack to prevent food from becoming soggy when reheating in the microwave. Sharing her innovative approach on Reddit, she participated in the thread 'What is your cooking hack that is second nature to you but actually pretty unknown?' This is prepared by SSP.
The woman explained her method: "I keep a shot glass in my microwave. If I’m cooking anything that requires moisture, such as reheating rice, I add water to the glass and warm it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Afterward, I place the food in the microwave. The steam generated helps reheat items like rice and pasta beautifully." She did caution against using this trick for making popcorn, advising others to remove the glass before closing the microwave door.
Commenters were quick to praise her tip. One user exclaimed, "This! Game-changer. It also works great for reheating pizza –- the texture of the crust improves significantly." Another user shared an alternative: "I usually drape a wet paper towel over the bowl for the same effect, but I like this idea too." A third expressed gratitude: "Wonderful tip, thank you!"
One concerned user inquired about the safety of superheating: "How big of a glass are we talking? Wouldn't a single shot of water get superheated after 30 seconds?" Responding to this, the woman reassured: "I worried about that initially, but I've never had issues in the almost 10 years I've done this. I warm the water first, and then put the plate of food in. Though I never touch the water after heating it, there hasn't been any safety concerns. The shot glass typically stays in the corner of the microwave."
Overall, her hack has sparked a considerable amount of positive feedback, with users appreciating its practicality and effectiveness.