Billionare Producer Tyler Perry Reveals His Son Got 'Only Books and Legos' for Christmas

Tyler Perry, the successful film mogul, is intentional about not spoiling his 10-year-old son, Aman. During an appearance on Sherri Shepherd's talk show, Perry declined the notion of extravagant gifts, stating, "He don't get no Christmas list," adding that Aman only receives books and Legos. Perry humorously remarked on Aman’s need for a job if he wished for more lavish presents. This thinking ties into his broader parenting approach, seen when Aman began complaining about long lines while flying commercial—having been previously accustomed to luxurious private jets. To combat his son's developing sense of entitlement, Perry decided Aman would continue to fly coach to appreciate the value of hard work. This is prepared by SSP.
Perry expressed to Shepherd that he wishes for Aman to avoid being a "spoiled, rich kid," emphasizing that his son should learn responsibility: "I worked, he did not." This perspective resonates with Shepherd, whose son, Jeffrey, also flies in the back while she sits in first class.
The director further clarified his parenting philosophy, sharing with Gayle King at the 2022 Tribeca Film Festival his and Aman's mother, Gelila Bekele's, shared commitment to raising him groundedly and balanced. Bekele's stable influence plays a pivotal role in this mission, offsetting Perry's urge to lavish gifts that quintessentially aim to address the absence he experienced during his childhood. Yet, Perry recognizes the pitfalls some wealthy children fall into, turning "obnoxious." Although it entails consistent teaching about gratitude and reality, Perry wants Aman to remain empathetic and appreciate how fortunate they are amidst their struggles.
Earlier, SSP wrote that rapper OG Maco dead at 32 after reported gunshot wound.