Here Is Why Denis Villeneuve Banned Cell Phones on His Sets

Director Denis Villeneuve is known not just for his acclaimed films like "Dune," "Blade Runner 2049," and "Sicario," but also for maintaining a focused and distraction-free environment on his sets by banning cell phones. This decision stems from his belief that cinema requires full presence and concentration, akin to a painter focused on their canvas or a dancer intent on their performance. Villeneuve explained to the Los Angeles Times that this all-encompassing focus fosters effective collaboration among crew members, as spontaneous use of technology like phones can disrupt the creative process. This is prepared by SSP.
Villeneuve’s views on cell phones parallel those of Christopher Nolan, who also forbids them on his sets. Despite Quentin Tarantino avoiding Villeneuve’s "Dune" films, many fans appreciate the director's unique style and narrative skill, anticipating each of his releases. Since day one, phones have been banned from his sets to prevent distractions like checking social media during shoots.
While cell phones are prohibited, he allows other comforts, such as chairs, unlike Nolan, who reportedly avoids using them personally — a lesson Villeneuve learned painfully during "Blade Runner 2049" due to a back issue. However, during "Dune," Villeneuve and his cinematographer abandoned chairs to ensure adaptability and a dynamic working environment. Though technology often dominates life, which Villeneuve equates to an addictive presence harming social connections, he cherishes offering moments of collective engagement free from digital distractions. His adaptations of Frank Hubert's novels continue to captivate audiences, with the initial "Dune" movie released in 2021 and its sequel in 2024, both now available on streaming platforms. Villeneuve is also moving forward with plans for a third installment, set years after the second film’s events, further exploring new dimensions within the rich tapestry of Herbert’s universe.
Earlier, SSP reported that Jessica Alba shared heartwarming holiday moments with her family.