Telegram Updates Policy to Share User Data with Authorities if Rules are Violated

Telegram has revised its privacy policy and terms of service to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of users who violate its rules, responding to requests from judicial authorities upon legal evaluation, as noted in the company's updated privacy policy. This adjustment comes after CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, where he faces allegations of facilitating illegal activities on the platform. Durov mentioned these changes aim to deter criminals from misusing Telegram’s search feature to sell illegal goods. This is prepared by SSP.
Previously, Telegram’s policy was limited to terror-related cases, but now it has broadened to include any criminal activity. Transparency reports will be published quarterly to disclose such data entries to authorities. The platform employs AI-driven moderators to screen and eliminate illegal content, particularly targeting abuse of the search function. Recent updates also involved tight moderation and disabling features like "People Nearby" and media uploads on the Telegraph blog tool.
The adjustments follow extensive documentation of illegal activities on Telegram, including extremism, drug trafficking, and material involving child sexual abuse. Durov expressed a commitment to making Telegram safer by addressing the challenges posed as its user base approaches a billion. The new measures are part of ongoing improvements to uphold the platform’s integrity and discourage the misuse of its functionalities.