Sean Lowe Hospitalized After Dual Attacks by Rescue Dog Moose
Former Bachelor star Sean Lowe experienced a traumatic ordeal with his rescue dog, Moose. After two separate attacks on the same day, he required emergency medical treatment twice, leaving him with permanent scars on his arms.
The Attacks
Sean Lowe shared his alarming experiences in a March 17 Instagram video alongside his wife, Catherine Giudici. He described the situation as devastating for their family. The first incident occurred on March 13 during a barbecue with friends. A smoke alarm in his house went off, prompting Sean to wave away the smoke with a dish rag. Moose began to nip aggressively at Sean’s hands and feet.
When Sean reprimanded Moose, the dog's behavior escalated quickly and turned violent. "A switch flipped," Sean said. The Boxer attacked with his teeth, and Sean recalled the searing pain of the dog's bite.
Fortunately, Sean's friends managed to confine Moose to the backyard. However, at that point, the damages had already been done. Sean vividly recalled his arm bleeding heavily. Thanks to his friends’ quick actions, he made it to the emergency room but left with multiple stitches in various locations across his arm.
Second Incident
Afterward, Sean returned home to place his three children — Samuel, 7, Isaiah, 6, and Mia, 5 — with their grandparents. Unfortunately, Moose attacked him yet again. "As we were getting the kids into the car, I saw Moose bolting out the front door," Sean recounted.
The dog lunged at him, resulting in severe injury. Sean remarked, "I felt I was fighting for my life." He believed if he hadn't been able to contain Moose, the outcome could have been disastrous for his family. He fought to maintain control of the dog for about 10 minutes until police arrived, leading to yet another trip to the emergency room for more stitches.
Seeking Solutions
Despite the trauma, Sean expressed no blame toward Moose. He understood the dog likely had experienced significant trauma before their adoption. Sean mentioned a noticeable shift in Moose's demeanor when the smoke alarm rang, indicating it might have triggered hidden anxieties within the dog.
The Lowe family feels heartbroken by the events but also grateful that Sean was the one who encountered the attacks rather than his children or wife. Sean plans to work with animal control and a no-kill shelter to ensure Moose's safety and wellbeing, as the family can no longer keep him in their home.
"Although I will have scarred arms for life, I can manage," Sean reflected. He acknowledged that while the attacks left physical marks, he trusts he will heal from this psychologically with time, although Catherine sometimes catches him wincing in discomfort from the experience.
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