Meaning of the white dove: symbolism and spiritual meaning of the meeting

White doves symbolize pure love, spirituality, hope and faith. You will understand why this is so and how strong the pigeon energy is by looking at the meanings that white doves have had from ancient times to the present day. The spiritual meaning of your encounter with a white dove will depend on the situation, your feelings and your knowledge of the birds of the world. Here are all the most interesting things about white doves.

Symbolism and meaning of white doves in ancient cultures and beliefs
Releasing white doves at wedding ceremonies or even at burials came after ancient cultures and beliefs about the birds. While white owls have the status of supreme wisdom, white doves signify eternal love, which is similar to the symbolism of white swans. Let's take a look at which ancestors shared modern interpretations of the birds of the world.
- Christianity. One of the most famous ancient views of white doves. In Christianity, white doves represented the Holy Spirit, a totally pure energy that brings blessing. Also, the white dove became a symbol of hope and faith, which is detailed in the story of Noah's Ark.
- Buddhism. Cultures that preached Buddhism considered white doves to be a sign of spiritual awakening and the manifestation of mercy and kindness. You can often find an image of Buddha in the company of white doves, so the concept of comprehensive love in this ancient religion is still alive today.
- Chinese culture. It is here that white doves symbolize eternal love and fidelity. Such meaning of white doves is connected with their habits, as the birds make a couple for life and tenderly and reverently take care of them to the end.
- Native Americans. These ancestors also endowed white doves with a special spiritual meaning in life and legends. White doves were believed to be messengers of the spirit world, where the souls of ancestors rest. When one of the souls wants to come down to earth, it turns into a white dove or a white eagle. This is how the souls of ancestors try to help in times of need or warn of danger.
- Incas. Ancient culture considered white doves as sacred spiritual messengers from above. Like the Indians, they believed that together with the white dove, a soul descends to Earth to help and protect.
- Ancient Greece and Rome. White doves were signs of the manifestation of goddesses such as Aphrodite and Venus. They were depicted riding white doves and were deeply revered in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Even then it was customary to release white doves during funeral ceremonies. It was believed that this way the soul would reach the heavenly rest easier and faster.
- Ancient Mesopotamia. The meaning and symbolism of white doves concerned the goddess Inanna and her continuation by the goddess Ishtar. As sacred spirit animals in Mesopotamian culture, white doves were considered messengers, a descending blessing, a symbol of peace and tenderness.

White dove spirit animal - meaning
The totem animal white dove can give you a sense of harmony and balance, a craving for pure thoughts, energies and protection from negative vibrations. If you resonate with the white dove as a spiritual animal, your life force is great enough and with proper spiritual development it becomes powerful and potent enough to explore the deepest depths of the spiritual world. Thanks to the pigeon's serenity, you harmonize not only yourself but also the world around you. This ability attracts a large number of people to you. You are trusted, you are consulted, you are listened to.
The white dove totem will motivate and push you to find new spiritual paths and opportunities for development. You will always be outside the box, always gravitating towards freedom internally and externally. The lightness that is given to you along with the white dove totem is meant to make it easier to pass through social negative situations and not to stray from the righteous spiritual path.
Doves always have a sense of purpose and white doves are no exception. Your goal is so real that everything else seems like white noise on the path. The ability of doves to accept all the gifts of life will allow you to treat all situations with acceptance, and smoothly change them if they do not please you. To be faithful to the spiritual animal white dove means not to lose faith and hope, keeping them inside and sharing them outside. For many, this will become a spiritual calling and mission that the Universe has offered to you.

What does it mean to see a white dove in a dream or in reality?
Messengers of the spiritual world white doves appear where we need it most. If you see a white dove and it is not such an ordinary event, it means that the universe has something to say and tell you. The spiritual meanings of white doves will help you in unraveling the mystery.
Preservation of purity and innocence
The appearance of a white dove means that you need to work on your thoughts and remove negative ones. It may be worthwhile to cleanse your energy and deal with long-postponed inner requests to restore harmony and balance. To see a white dove also means to accept your pure spiritual essence and take care of preserving its purity, following spiritual laws and going on the path of spiritual development.
New paths and opportunities
White doves can appear as a blessing for a new path. Even if you see a white feather dove, it is worth looking for new opportunities for development and success around you. Perhaps you have received your "olive leaf" from a dove and can rejoice in a strengthened hope and faith.
Seeing a pair of white doves is beautiful in every sense. For couples, it means that their love is pure and their relationship is strong and blessed for a long future. Therefore, a pair of white doves are released at weddings so that the couple can have a chance for a happy life. It is said that if the doves flew in different directions, it is a sign of discord. Though it's rather a sign to redouble your efforts and remember that relationships are a daily team effort until the end.
For singles, seeing a white dove will mean a speedy meeting with your other half. You can help the process with your pure thoughts and a few grains for the dove to thank and nudge them.
Success and prosperity
If all your thoughts are occupied with a new project on which you are working hard, the arrival of a white dove means that you are on the threshold of success and future prosperity. Inspired by the blessing, you will continue your endeavors with even more positive energy and will face an open financial flow, stability and harmony in life spheres. Such a sign from white doves can touch absolutely any sphere of life if at the moment this sphere is occupied by all your thoughts.
Divine sign
By associating white doves with the divine world, we can receive spiritual support and love when we need it badly. If you saw a white dove in a period of despair and torment, it means that angels and holy spirits want to say that you are not alone, that you will pass this period of transformation, becoming stronger, wiser and happier. It is not without reason that angels are painted with white dove wings, as on them lies the all-encompassing love of God that has reached you.
Support of a native soul
Our ancestors believed that souls descend from the sky in the form of snow-white doves and pigeons to help continue our life journey. Perhaps loss and grief are tormenting and destroying you from within. Our loved ones love us both on Earth and in Heaven. Trust the white dove and let go of the sadness. The pain will subside a little if you accept the cycle of life.
The spiritual meaning of the white dove vision can be healing, both spiritually and physically. Sometimes we lack the physical and moral strength to fight for ourselves to the end. White doves can appear at different stages of healing to confirm that the path is right and to strengthen your hope and faith.

If you see a dead white dove
To see a dead bird means to accept the onset of allegorical death. You may have to give up a relationship or change your place of residence, but this will make room for a new period and new opportunities. To see a dead white dove represents the "death" of a spiritual path, which can also lead to rapid physical destruction. You may have forgotten to take care of your spiritual part, give it nourishment and understand its needs, so a white dead dove reminds you of the importance that there is still something you can change.
Seeing a dead white dove can mean that everything you have done before in a spiritual sense has exhausted itself and you are long overdue for a new level. For example, you have reached the next spiritual level and want meditation, rituals or art activities that you have been thinking about doing for a long time but have been putting off for a while.

What does it mean to see a white dove in a dream - interpretation
Remember that the angel came to Mary in a dream with good news. To see a white dove in a dream means to receive good news or God's blessing. Major events will come into your life soon, and they can be significant both for you personally and for those people who will become participants indirectly or directly.
When you are in a state of harmony and peace, feeling balance and love, the appearance of a white dove in a dream means the blessing of your path and gratitude for your efforts, thanks to which you have achieved such spiritual development.
A white dove in a dream means a blessing for the fulfillment of a dream or goal. Perhaps you have been asking the Universe for something important and desired for a long time. To see a white dove in a dream means to start achieving your dream or goal. You will be rewarded with what you want.
To see a white dove is to receive a deeply spiritual clue. Listen to your spiritual part. If goodness and good fortune is felt, it will soon be so. If at the sight of a white dove your soul is not at peace, you should expect changes or change what does not suit you, so that next time you can smile and rejoice at the divine white messenger.