Moon Meanings and Symbolism: spiritual meanings for your affairs today

The connection of human life with the lunar phases was noticed in the most ancient times. Trying to comprehend the meaning of the moon in the sky, our ancestors left us many patterns, ideas and even superstitions. Phases of the moon have a meaning in astrology, numerology, spiritualism, various religions and other spiritual sciences that try to get closer to the secrets of the universe. The symbolism and meaning of the moon helps us today in personal growth, maintaining health and planning matters for their successful outcome. The sciences and spiritual studies study the phases of the moon to make sense of the past and divine the future, and SSP Daily will tell you what today's moon means for your present.

Symbolism and meanings of the moon in ancient cultures
Our ancestors on Earth tirelessly believed in the forces of the moon and the sun, in their spiritual meanings and influence on all spheres in human life. The moon was worshipped, prayed to and praised the night disk in various arts. That is why, today, we can realize the significance of the moon not only as a physical magnetic body, but also as a spiritual energy that is closely related to human energy.
Symbolism of the Moon in Ancient Egypt
The Moon King or God Khonsu would serve as an excellent example of the symbolism of the Moon in ancient Egypt. His forces were powerful, it was believed that it is he controls the times and seasons, gives fertility as the Earth and man, can heal the worst ailments and protect travelers at night. His image in the form of the head of an eagle (or child) with a lunar disk on his head, familiar to you from Marvel Comics, the movie "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb" and drawings on the wall when studying the ancient Egyptian temple in "The Fifth Element". The Moon King is even mentioned in the creation myth depicted on one of the walls of the temple of the God Khonsu.
Symbolism of the Moon in Asian cultures
For all peoples, the moon had a powerful spiritual significance, and Asian cultures also romanticized the round celestial body, under the light of which everything seemed a little more poetic and soft. Orange Moon festivals have survived in many Asian countries. They are very reverent days filled with family tenderness and traditions. Japan and China attach great importance to the Harvest Moon festival, even though today it is held a bit on the superficial understanding and yet intuition tells us that the connection with the Moon is important. The moon in Asian cultures symbolizes love, elegance, tenderness, romance and the beginning of a beautiful harvest fall.
Native American Moon Symbolism
Our ancestors considered the moon to be the guardian of wisdom and believed that the yellow disk in the sky was created to help pass all life transformations coming to the highest goal. Indians lived strictly according to lunar phases: planting and harvesting of crops, conception of a child, getting rid of illnesses - everything corresponded with the Moon and its energy, legends are made about it. Moon at Indians symbolized: fertility, protection and wisdom. If you want to get deeper into the meaning of different Indian moons, click the link.
Moon symbolism and Indian beliefs
Indian beliefs about Chandra (Moon) or Soma view the bright celestial body as an energy that is nourished by the sun and holds the secret of the divine nectar of immortality. The story of the deity Chandra falling in love with Brihaspatti's wife and their escape together fills the symbolism of the moon with intoxicating powers and possibilities to influence the feelings and sensations of living energies.
Symbolism of the Moon in Scandinavia
Scandinavian culture is full of myths about the deity Mani. It is believed that the moon deity influences the whole surrounding world spiritual and not. Less powerful symbolism of the moon in the Scandinavians was the countdown of time for man. The moon "worked" in tandem with its brother the sun so that people could conceptualize time and life values. Time in ancient Scandinavia was counted in nights or moons.
The Scandinavian Moon was a symbol of the cyclical nature of life and its calculation.

Meaning and symbolism of the moon today
Today the influence of the moon is studied by many sciences from psychology, astrology to spiritualism. Studies of the influence of the moon on human sleep, psychological state and menstrual cycle of women are quite ambiguous and contradictory, physical sciences proved only a partial relationship, which can not be said about the spiritual sciences, which even today take the relationship between the energies of the moon and man as a given.
Significance of the Moon in Astrology
Astrology as a science is built around the location and influence of the planets on human destiny. Moon phases in Astrology are fundamental knowledge for unraveling the secrets of the universe. You can come across Moon meanings in Astrology such as:
- New Moon - the beginning of beginnings;
- Crescent moon - showing initiative;
- First quarter moon - personal growth;
- Humpback Moon - perfection and fulfillment of desires;
- Full Moon - clarity of mind;
- Dissipating Moon - prosperity and generosity;
- Last Quarter Moon - deviation;
- Balsamic Moon - readiness;
- Void of course - confusion.
Moon phases in Astrology can influence your motives, decisions and, even the course of your thoughts.
Meaning of the Moon in Numerology
In numerology, the Moon symbolizes creativity, emotionality, and lack of permanence. If your destiny number or soul number is 2, you are guided by the Moon. Numerology views the Moon as a positive energy that can influence our intuition and soul.
If you dive into the meaning of two in numerology, you will see that it and with it the Moon represent opposites without which our life would not be so full, and sometimes even life in general would be impossible.

Spiritual meanings of today's Moon - meaning
The influence of different phases of the Moon on a person can tell us the right path and moment to start new things, relationships, on the effectiveness of the decisions we have made and much more. Once understood, you can rewrite your planning calendar and make it more effective in achieving your life goals.
Meaning of the New Moon - spiritual meanings
An ideal moment for new beginnings, personal growth and, if you believe the superstition about the Moon and money, for increasing profits and opening new financial streams. During this period, it is recommended to tell your dreams and desires to paper or say your goals out loud.

The spiritual meaning of the New Moon is also immersion in yourself, your desires and feelings. If you want to get an answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time, it is better to ask it at the New Moon.
Meaning of the Waxing Moon - spiritual meanings
The Waxing Moon should be your call to action. How much energy in this period you put into your decisions and actions, such will be the result of achieving the goal. The waxing Moon suggests that you will succeed if your labor is relentless. It is good to prioritize on the Waxing Moon, because this period is characterized by active work of the brain and clarity of mind.

When the rising moon passes the crescent moon you can connect to your actions the acquisition of new knowledge, both worldly and spiritual - this is a wonderful period for undergoing transformations and realizing yourself as part of the Universe.
Meaning of the Full Moon - spiritual meanings
The most mystical lunar phase is surrounded by many myths and legendary stories. If unrealistic things are set aside, what remains is a flow of energy release. Full Moon is a special phase of the Moon that will release the dormant energy in you and it will depend on you whether it is positive or negative. It is said that children during the Full Moon are very restless and excited, and adults can suffer from migraines and feelings of irritability, as well as feel an incredible boost of strength and energy. The Full Moon means that you will discover something in you that has not come out for a long time, something that has accumulated and your soul no longer wants to store it.

If you are regularly practicing your spiritual health, clearing your energy and dealing with issues in the here and now, chances are you will have no cause for irritation, rather you will be looking at the Moon romantically.
Meaning of the Waning Moon - spiritual meanings
The Waning Moon or Third Quarter Moon phase can be accompanied by a decrease in your vitality. During such periods it is good to do things that usually bring joy and fulfillment. You should not start traveling, get a new hairstyle (according to superstitions) or make drastic decisions in your life.

During the waning period of the Moon it is worth letting go of everything that is holding you back spiritually, forgive, rethink to go further. Releasing negative energy will help you enter the new moon with new strength, ideas and plans for the future.
An important action for this phase will also be gratitude to yourself, to the world, and to everyone individually. Gratitude is a special kind of energy that you give away by expending energy, but it has a boomerang effect with double the energy on the return trip.
Conclusion about the spirituality of the Moon
Knowing the spiritual meanings of the Moon phases will help you to be more accurate in making your decisions and understanding your own well-being. If you are feeling depressed during a particular Moon phase, it is worth working through your spiritual energies to connect with the yellow disk in the sky without much discomfort. Take advantage of strong Moon phases for your goals today so that you can enjoy your tomorrow.