Spirit animal cat: symbolism and spiritual meanings of the meeting

Cats and their symbolism have been with us since ancient times for more than 10 centuries. Mysticism, psychic ability, and the ability to exist in several dimensions at once are only a part of the spiritual powers attributed to cats. The importance of cats in modern times has not diminished in any way, it has simply moved to the stage of acceptance, when the abilities of cats are taken as a given, not something amazing. The healing gift of cats has been scientifically proven and this has further enhanced the reputation of the furry creatures. Today we will delve into the nature of the symbolism and spiritual meanings of cats, learn about the spiritual meanings of meeting a totem animal, and unravel the mystery of the difference between a white cat, a black cat, and a tricolor cat.

Cat symbolism – the beginning
The earliest found burial of a cat dates back to 7,500 B.C. Just think about the fact that the spirit animal cat has been around for so long.
Symbolism of cats in ancient cultures
- Ancient Egypt. Cats were considered deities, and magical spirits. They were honored and mummified like the Pharaohs. The sacred city of Bubastis became the burial place of cats and the center of worship of the goddess Bastet (cat). Cats symbolized supreme spiritual power.
- Asian cultures. Cats were revered pets and symbolized supreme spiritual protection. Cats to this day symbolize good luck.
- The history of England and Scotland tells of royal cats. Cats symbolized advanced intelligence and aristocratic power.
- Western Europe. Here with symbolism was not all so happy. For a large period of time cats symbolized failure and connection with black magic. To this day we meet superstitions about the black cat. Although most of Europe is still inclined to the positive symbolism of cats.
Going through different periods in its existence from deity to association with black forces and persecution, cats have not lost their symbolism. Rather it has come together in a 7D puzzle that can be looked at from different angles, but that perspective is only part of the picture. Over time, people have noticed that cats have both physical talents and spiritual talents, so the symbolism of cats has been divided into two parts.
The spiritual symbolism of cats
The mystery of the energies of cats is only ajar today but by no means solved. In terms of spirituality, cats symbolize:
- Existence in several dimensions at once. It is believed that cats, while asleep, can exist in another dimension, but when coming to consciousness they retain the ability to see other energies that are not subject to the human eye. And, if the first statement has not been proved yet, the second one is quite probable.
- Mystical mysteries and developed intuition. The mysteries of cats have been symbolized, their mysterious abilities have been described since ancient times, and developed intuition was added when people noticed that these animals are able to sense danger, changes in energy, and illness, long before its manifestations, guests who are just about to come to you.
- Protection and Healing. Many people believe that witches and sorcerers keep black cats to enhance their magical powers. However, they, as well as others, need energy protection and here cats are superior to dogs. Sensing the slightest change in energy, hearing at long distances, and catching the most subtle pheromones, cats can figure out a person's plan and intentions before meeting him. It's worth getting worked up if your cat doesn't like someone. Cats can also sense changes in the energy of their owners and can smell a disease just beginning. Pay attention if the cat keeps lying down on the same spot on your body.
- The power of feminine energy. The cat is always associated with feminine energy. Its strength is in the depth and diversity of the spiritual world. The disposition of cats is like women, it can change in a second or adjust to the intended goals and outlook. Female energy, as well as cat energy, can be both creative and destructive, depending on what to feed it.
- Rebirth and transformation. Cats are able to survive a variety of periods, their spiritual endurance is a given, proven over the centuries. If your totem animal is a cat, you will pass any test.
The physical symbolism of cats
Speed of reaction and fluidity of movement, a predatory nature packed with charm – these are abilities that many want to possess. Because of their physical talents, cats symbolize:
- Elegance and sexual grace. Moving like a cat is an understandable symbolic expression in both the past and present.
- Curiosity. To be curious like a cat means: to explore everything that is unclear, without losing vigilance and caution.
- Playfulness of youth. Cats in their youth, as well as people, perceive the world playfully and joyfully, but cats can keep this playfulness until the end of their lives, people only learn this ability.

Meanings of cats in terms of religions
For almost all religions and beliefs, cats are considered symbolic spiritual animals that are endowed with higher powers.
- In Islam, cats are in a special place of honor. They are considered pure souls and can enter mosques freely. However, cats did not get their untainted reputation at once. According to legend, cats ceased to be exterminated only after she representative of furry saved the Prophet Muhammad from a snake. When it was discovered that cats exterminate rodents (carriers of deadly diseases) their symbolism as defenders was strengthened.
- In Judaism, like Islam, cats were considered spiritual and physical protectors.
- In Catholicism, there is even St. Gertrude of Nivelle – she is considered the patroness of cats.
- In Christianity, cats, like all creatures are sacred. One story tells that a cat hummed a lullaby to the newborn Jesus and helped him fall asleep, and the Virgin Mary thanked the animal by stroking it. If you've heard other versions, it's likely an opinion that honors superstition and gossip. The Bible honors all spiritual beings on earth.
"And God said, Let the earth produce a living soul after its kind: cattle, the creeping things of the earth, and the beasts of the field, every one after his kind. And it became so. 25 And God created beasts after their kind, cattle after their kind, and all the creeping things of the earth after their kind. And God saw that it was good" – Book of Genesis, verse 24.

Spirit animal cat – meaning of totem
If your totem animal is a cat, you will be a lucky person who has all the senses heightened. Terrific intuition will allow you to navigate quickly in any situation, and quick reaction and vision of opportunities will succeed in career and business. A spiritual animal cat develops in a person caring and tenderness, inner elegance and grace, mystical mystery, and attractive sexuality.
However, there are some conditions for your powerful abilities. You must be in the resource to expend so much energy. Regimen and quality of food will be as important to you as breathing. Cats hone their skills and craftsmanship, having a cat in your totem animals means you are working to develop your talents.
Your spiritual connection with yourself and the universe should be harmonious and balanced, we don't mean sleeping 18 hours a night like cats, but sleep will be part of your good physical and psychological state.
With a cat totem, you will be independent in your decisions. Being able to rely on your own feelings and instincts will help you avoid many pitfalls in life. The only thing the cat will not be able to share with you is its 9 lives, but it will teach you to be careful and attentive to save your only one.

When an encounter with a cat has spiritual meanings
Cats are still pretty mysterious Animals of Power. The only thing we can say with a high probability is that if you happen to meet a cat, no matter stray or domestic, and feel its close attention – your encounter is not accidental. When the universe sends us a cat, it is often about very important karmic events or a matter of life and death.
The spiritual meanings of a cat coming to you may relate to:
- physical and psychological health;
- energetic and physical protection;
- good luck and bad luck
- connection with the spiritual worlds
It is quite difficult to understand what is on the cat's mind, but you will definitely feel it if you listen to the cat with your soul and energy. There are situations of meeting with a cat, which will definitely interest you and on them we can give you a direction for thinking.
If a cat ran across your path – meaning
If you are interested specifically in the black cat that ran across the road, go back to the beginning of the article and click on the link, you will definitely be surprised. If the cat ran across the road to you do not rush to grab the buttons or spit over your shoulder. Superstitions about cats that have survived to our times are too simplistic and superficial. The meaning of meeting with a cat is a deeper event. The cat that crossed your path wants to draw your attention either to the present moment or to events in the next couple of hours. It does not bring bad luck, it just senses that you are walking on a dangerous road and urges you to be more attentive with all your senses from "whiskers to tail", which you also have. It is necessary to direct your energy not on cursing the animal, but on gratitude to the animal and your own intuition.
Does a cat coming to your hands mean illness?
A spirit animal cat can sense changes in your body, as they somehow lead to changes in the strength and quality of your energy. You should especially pay attention if the cat comes and lies down on the same place on your body. Do not chase the animal off your hands, it can relieve you of an ailment.
The cat that came to you for good luck or bad luck?
There are superstitions that if the cat comes towards you – to good luck, if from you – it is bad luck. Or, if the cat crossed the road from right to left to good luck and vice versa – to bad luck. You can believe superstitions, but, can communicate mentally or energetically with the animal and understand what it promises you in the coming cases.
Cat washes up on the doorstep – does it mean coming guests?
I had five cats and this superstition always came true. Perhaps you have noticed such a peculiarity in your furry favorites. Guests or news, but something is definitely coming to your doorstep and the cat thinks it is necessary to warn you about it in advance.
If a cat hisses in the house, does it mean it sees evil spirits?
Cats are energy gurus, they are able to feel the slightest movement of energies as if they read the thoughts of the universe. A cat bred in adequate conditions does not get irritated just for fun, it clearly feels not very favorable changes. Clear the house and your own energy to thank the protector with sharp claws and incredibly strong instincts.
The spiritual meanings of cats depending on color
Understanding color as a specific energy gives a deeper understanding of the meaning of the color of the cat you meet and the spiritual meanings it carries.

If you have seen a red cat coming towards you
Red cats are considered harbingers of good luck, and joy. Like the orange butterfly, red cats are a sign that joy and positive news should enter your life. Perhaps they will come from the outside, or perhaps you should generate happiness from within to get it from the universe. If a red cat crosses your path, be careful not to miss the positive opportunities of the Universe.

If you saw a black cat coming towards you
I think we've already mentioned that black is not a bad color at all. Rather, it is more profound, mysterious, and all-encompassing, which is why it is believed that black cats are more strongly connected to the spirit world than white or red cats. You may consider black from the perspective of cosmic science or psychology, but this will only confirm the power of protection and the power of creation of this color. If you encounter a black cat, perhaps it wants to warn you of danger spiritual or physical.

If you see a gray cat coming towards you
The color gray as well as gray cats symbolize an expansion of thinking, looking from a different angle, and a creative approach to understanding things. The gray between black and white is a balance that must be achieved in order to know deeper.
More superficially, an encounter with a gray cat can mean that where you are trying to determine there is no right or wrong, good or bad, black or white, you should look at the issue from the perspective of holding a balance.

If you saw a white cat coming towards you
White color - that freedom of action and thinking. White in combination with a cat – then pure living energy, which can help you to live, create, and love. What do you feel when you see a white cat? Hope as in the sight of a white dove or white feather or luck as in the sight of a white butterfly? If you meet a white cat, your thoughts automatically tune into positivity, which you definitely need right now. Meeting a white cat can mean a dream coming true or wonderful news, whatever the case, good times await you.

If you saw a three-colored cat
Three colors on the cat – a rare phenomenon, but it carries a deep meaning of happiness when the balance consists of many details, and we manage them like jugglers in the circus. Perhaps it is your time to discover happiness by juggling not just two spheres of life, but much more. Keep the balance and it will bear its happy fruits.
Conclusion about cats
Being a powerful spiritual and Power animal cats remain faithful helpers of people and part of their spiritual development. You can always trust the furry beast and its purr, even if at this stage it is only seeking benefits for itself.
You can develop your sixth sense and boost your energy through cat accessories or tattoos. Cats don't mind such worship and will consider it a thank you for everything they give us in life.