Spiritual meaning and symbolism of a triangle

The symbol of a triangle appears in our lives even more often than we think. Spiritual meanings ofthree connected lines have interested people since very old times. Having discovered the energetic abilities of the triangle, we began to use the symbol in various rituals and allegories. The meaning of the triangle symbol will help you understand the spiritual meaning of not only the figure itself, but the various forms associated with the number three. What does the triangle mean in various spheres will reveal its symbolism.
Everything related to the symbol of the triangle
From a mathematical figure to Christianity to the Eye of Providence, triangles have the deepest spiritual meaning. You'll be amazed at how much human life is connected to the three lines used in various interpretations. Discover the symbolism of the most famous triangles around the world:
- The Holy Trinity;
- The Eye of Providence;
- Delta;
- Pyramids;
- Alchemical Triangles;
- Eye of the Dragon;
- Astrological Triangles;
- Triangles in Chiromancy;
- Feng Shui.
Wondering why we spit over our shoulder three times and make three wishes to Gin? Then let's delve into the spiritual meanings of triangles right now.
The meanings of triangles of various kinds
The symbolism of triangles directly depends on its type and how it is used. You can take a closer look at each triangle symbol to explain the influence of triangles on your life.

Perfect triangle - meaning
A mathematical figure that has all angles equal to 60 degrees is called an equilateral triangle or perfect triangle. Re-watch The Fifth Element and look closely at the stones that represented the elements of water, earth, air, and fire - they were perfect triangular shapes. Luc Besson's fiction? Not really. Such a triangle is considered a symbol of:
- Family: father, mother and child;
- Time: past, present, future;
- Wholeness: body, mind and soul;
- Cyclicality: birth, life, death.
Christians consider such a triangle as a symbol of the Holy Trinity: God, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. The meaning of the equilateral triangle has many spiritual meanings in various sciences and spiritual practices.

Upside-down triangle - meaning
The triangle with the top down is a symbol of the feminine. Such a triangle has several meanings. Its upper side is associated with the horizon line. The upside-down triangle symbolizes water in alchemy and the three different states in which water can arrive (liquid, gas and ice), as well as denotes the elements.

Double triangle - meaning
By combining two triangles - ordinary and upside-down - people got a symbol, which for different peoples began to denote something different. The most famous symbols of the double triangle:
- Star of David. The hexagram with 6 perfectly right equal angles became a symbol of Jewish identity.
- The sign of the Kabbalah. The esoteric method of Jewish mysticism also used a six-pointed star formed by two triangles.
- Time Portal. Some beliefs claim that by using two conjoined triangles and rituals, one can open a portal to other worlds or travel through time.
- Lunar Phases. The symbol shows the phases that the moon goes through from new to full moon.
Dotted triangle - meaning
This image of a triangle is found in mathematics and the designation of abbreviations. The dotted triangle symbolizes:
- the essence of things;
- purpose of life.

All-seeing ye - meaning of the triangle
The eye in the middle of the triangle. Who stands in the center of the right triangle can see the future. Some cultures depicted in this way the Deity who watches over people. The phrase "God sees everything", "The Omnipresent God" can be depicted in this way. The Eye of Providence has had its own chaotic history, but it has never been possible to find evidence of the birth of the symbol. To date, it has been possible to find the use and explanation of the symbol in the book "Freemason’s Monitor or Illustrations of Masonry". It confirms the meaning of the triangle with an eye in the middle as the "Eye of God".

Triquetra or "Trinity Knot".
The triple eye symbol belongs to Christianity and is an allegory of the Holy Trinity. However, you can find this triple symbol in Celtic culture too. Such a symbol is found on runes, Lycian coins, pottery of Anatolia and Persia and other.
Sources claim that the Trinity Knot symbol is also used by white witches for protection or to signify the Triple Deity.

Greek Delta
The Greek letter was applied to mathematics and physics and symbolized a change in meaning. If a triangle is not right, turning its side would signify an external change, and such a parallel suggests an imaginary distortion or expansion of consciousness, which can be symbolized by the triangle or, simply put, what angle to look at.

Pyramid as a triangle - meaning
Perhaps Ancient Greece knew a lot about triangles. Having connected four correct triangles on a square, Ancient Greeks sealed souls of the departed pharaohs in an eternal crypt. Believing in life after death, it was as if the Greeks built a way for the soul to go upstairs and put everything in the tomb that would facilitate the way to the netherworld. If we turn to science, the pyramid was the optimal shape for centuries of preserving a large pile of heavy stone. The spiritual significance of the triangle was on par with the scientific approach in ancient civilizations, and sometimes in the first place.

Triangles in Alchemy - meaning
The triangles used by alchemists were symbols for the four elements: fire, water, sky and earth. The symbols were used for convenience as well as enciphering various alchemical experiments and recipes. A vertical right triangle was used to represent fire, like a flame pointing upward. Water was denoted by a right inverted triangle - the flow of water downward. A vertical triangle with a line crossing its upper corner denoted air. The Earth was designated in the form of an upside-down triangle with a line crossing its lower corner. The meaning of the triangles was not revealed immediately, but it helped to understand more deeply the dogmas and concepts of Alchemy.

Dragon's Eye - meaning
An inverted equilateral triangle that emits rays from its corners pointing toward the center. The intersection of the rays forms the symbol "Y". Such a triangle symbolizes the battle between good and evil. In this case, the threat comes from the upper triangle, and the divergence of lines denotes the choice of which depends on the outcome of the battle. A subtle allegory is designed to convey that everything depends on the choice of man and humanity as a whole.
Triangles in different beliefs and cultures
Many concepts exist in the abstract form of a triangle. Many faiths and cultures have tried to conceptualize the meaning of triangles in different variations.
Triangle in Christianity - meaning
The triangle is the center of the Christian faith. God the Father, the Son of God (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit are at the head of the angles. You can observe the repeated appearance of the allegorical triangle in the Bible. For example, at the birth of Jesus, three wise men were sent to him with gifts. The meaning of the triangle in Christianity carries a completely spiritual meaning.
Triangle in Islam - meaning
The Muslim creed is based on three principles:
- Unconditional trust in God and respect for his trials - Taqwa;
- Holy fasting as a path to humility and obedience before God - Ramadan;
- Reverence for the holy scripture - the Quran.
The process of knowledge in Islam is also labeled as three "stages": to desire knowledge, to obtain knowledge, and to know.
Triangle in Hinduism and Buddhism - meaning
Hindu and Buddhist beliefs use Yantra in various rituals. The geometric diagram was used to worship deities and was the foundation of meditation to obtain various benefits. The Yantra of Goddess Shakti was made up of 9 triangles and various added lines.
Buddhism glorified trikaya (the idea of enlightenment). The philosophical thought was represented as multicolored triangles twisted in a circle, which denoted transcendental, blissful and earthly body.
Triangle in Indians - meaning
Native Americans believed that the triangular symbol could protect and keep from the negative effects of night spirits. Lodges or tipis also symbolized protection, although the shape, as with pyramids, was ideal for protection from rain, building a fire inside, and stability in the wind. The significance of Native American triangles only confirms the protective properties as a spiritual symbol.

Triangles in the sciences - meaning
Mathematics and physics are not the only sciences in which the triangle symbol has been used. Astronomy also uses the meaning and symbolism of the triangle. The theory of the world standing on three whales also refers to the symbolism of the triangle. Let's try to look into the more spiritual sciences.
Triangle in astrology
With special triangles, called grand trines, astrologers can point out the Achilles' heel of your zodiac sign. By watching and analyzing the triangles and their angles between the planets, astrologers make pretty accurate predictions of your talents and abilities. Trines come in water, fire, air and earth depending on their position between the zodiac signs.
Triangle in chiromancy - meaning
If a triangle is formed on your palm between some lines, you can learn its meaning by delving into chiromancy. Overall, a triangle on the palm of your hand is a sign of good luck and success.
Triangle and feng shui - meaning
The Chinese science of harmony and balance has its triangle, which has traditionally become a symbol of fire. Elements of triangular shape in houses can fill the dwelling with energy. The main thing is not to overdo the amount because a small fire can warm, and a big one can do great harm.

What about a love triangle
The association of a triangle with the family structure has already been mentioned above, but it often refers to a right equilateral triangle. As for the violation of the size of the angles, there is a distortion of family values and "love triangle" is rather not an equilateral figure, in it the angles are increased or decreased, and the harmony is broken.
If your subconsciousness connects the relationship with a triangle, a dream with a wrong triangle will be a warning that family harmony is broken and efforts should be made to make the figure equilateral and balanced again.
In society, the triangle is also a warning sign. You can see the triangle on road signs or appliances and it requires increasing your attention and caution.
Superstitions with the number three
Why do we spit over our shoulder three times or make three wishes? The Jewish Library explains the existence of such superstitions by the mysticism attributed to the number 3. Considering odd numbers lucky, people endowed them with special powers.
It is also possible to consider the triple spit over the shoulder as a symbolic allegory of the miracles that Jesus performed with the help of saliva.
Another explanation can be that the Angel sits on the right shoulder and the Demon on the left. Thus, to prevent demonic deeds, one spits three times.
The magical number 3 became a positive symbol. If you fulfill your three deepest desires, then you will find the desired harmony because the Jin and the Goldfish make three wishes.