The meaning of the woodpecker as a spiritual animal. Symbolism of his knock for you

The spirit animal woodpecker has had deep spiritual significance since the time of our ancestors. Its symbolic knocking was associated with good news and warnings. If you were born between June 21 and July 21 (according to the Indian calendar), perhaps the woodpecker is your totem animal that will share its spiritual wisdom for success and harmony. The significance of the woodpecker as a totem animal and the symbolism of meeting the bird will give you valuable knowledge about connecting with the spiritual world and interacting with the universe.

What the woodpecker symbolizes as a spirit animal
Spirit animal Woodpecker symbolizes hard work, healing, and the path to prosperity and happiness. Woodpeckers have been symbolic since the time of our ancestors, who at the pounding of the woodpecker were preparing for astral travel, spiritual awakening, and the onward march of success. For Native Americans, both the woodpecker's knock and its feathers were symbolic, and the appearance of the woodpecker itself was considered a powerful spiritual clue. Shamans used woodpecker feathers to decorate their headdresses. It was believed that in this way it was possible to attract joy and good luck. Totem poles in the form of woodpeckers symbolized the connection with the spirit world and astral portal to other worlds. Woodpecker symbolism was used in clan coats of arms, knocking bird was considered a totem of happiness, friendship, and healing. In all Indian legends, the woodpecker acts as a helper, symbolizing protection and "helping hand". The tale "When Woodpeckers were Indians" tells an informative story about a tribe that succumbed to the lure of a psychotropic plant and almost died. The god Manitou saved both the tribe's children and adults by hiding the former in the hollows of trees and turning the latter into a woodpecker bird so they could find their children. The symbolism of woodpeckers was the hope of salvation and good news.
Not only Indians treated the woodpecker as a savior. In India, the tale of the friendship of Woodpecker, Turtle, and Deer tells a wonderful and caring story of three friends who did their best to save each other from a hunter. The woodpecker symbolized loyalty in friendship, honor, and bravery.
The symbolism of the woodpecker today is conditioned by our knowledge of the "forest doctor" woodpecker. We judge the habits and life style of the bird. As a tireless healer of the forest, the woodpecker today symbolizes: work in achieving its goals, selfless help, and the value of serving a higher purpose.

Spirit animal woodpecker, what is the meaning of totem
If the woodpecker becomes your totem animal, you will gain an inner drive that will compel you to act rather than rant. People with the woodpecker totem do not waste time, if a goal is discovered, they immediately proceed to its achievement and will chisel "that trunk" until they reach the desired. Such persistence is valued in the career sphere, so the totem of the woodpecker can help climb the career ladder by their own labor and diligence.
It is a loss for woodpeckers, as well as spiritually close people, to disrupt their own tempo and plans. People with the spiritual animal woodpecker are reluctant to change direction or goals. This can disorient them for a while. The woodpecker totem helps you to be honest with yourself and others, the other side of the totem can be a straightforwardness that not everyone will appreciate. Either way, having a friend with a woodpecker totem animal is good, as this person will not be yuletide with you or deceive you. Want to know the truth? Ask the woodpecker.
Devotion to family and friends is a positive hallmark with people with a woodpecker totem. However, their affection and loyalty can play a cruel joke on the woodpecker person himself. Expecting reciprocity, woodpeckers can be quite resentful of not getting it. One of the lessons that people with a woodpecker totem will have to learn is the lesson of self-sufficiency and other people's boundaries, in other words "stay out of it unless asked".
The spirit animal woodpecker brings light and open emotions to a person. Such people like to experience joy and happiness and should surround themselves with positivity to maintain internal balance and not waste life energy on resentment and negativity.
Woodpecker as an animal of strength will help you pump up your sociability, show your best qualities, and become an exceptional personality that will not get lost in the crowd. The power of the woodpecker in its deep connection with the spiritual world, you will always know why you feel bad, both physically and mentally, and you will be able to heal yourself and others. With the passage of transformation, you must learn to trust your instincts and intuition, only in this way you will feel the joy of life and make yourself happy, sharing happiness and joy with others.

What it means to see or hear a woodpecker – spiritual meanings
If you see a woodpecker or hear it knocking, it means you are receiving a spiritual message that can help you bring balance back into your life or help you achieve that desired goal. The spiritual meanings of seeing a woodpecker or hearing it knock may apply to different areas of life, but it is definitely about you.
Call to action
An important spiritual meaning of meeting with a woodpecker is a call to action. Whatever it concerns: relationships, work, dreams – do not put it off, it is a favorable moment for decisive action in achieving what you want. If you hear a woodpecker during the loss of vitality and orientation, then you need to gather all the will in a fist and make another leap towards happiness. Find an opportunity to replenish your vitality with something pleasant for yourself, remember that first you help yourself and only then others.
Thoughtful tactics
You know that woodpeckers only build their homes in sturdy oak trees, which are first tested with a strong beak. Woodpeckers do not act thoughtlessly. The woodpecker's knocking calls for you to analyze your actions and build tactics before making responsible steps and decisions. If you see or hear a woodpecker during the period of important life decisions try to think through all the consequences of your moves and choose the best way to the goal.
The appearance of a woodpecker can mean that you need to pump up your communicativeness. This does not mean that you should become an "open book" for everyone, but rather the opposite. Think about what you are telling others, less about your plans and goals. Wise communication motivates others to act, but not by notifying them of your plans. Only brag about something when the goal has been accomplished and the results are firmly established. This will help you avoid the lessons learned by a magpie, for example, and avoid becoming a mockingbird who loses himself by imitating others.
Creativity of thought and approach
Concentrated and focused on their goal, woodpeckers are capable of creative problem solving and advanced logic to circumvent obstacles. Perhaps now you are facing a dilemma in your relationship or career, and the woodpecker's knocking calls for an unconventional approach to the issue. Let it a little delay the achievement of the result, but it will be as much as possible as you imagine. Your thinking potential is quite high, don't be afraid to spend time analyzing and thinking.
Protection of values
The value for woodpeckers is family and relatives. If anyone dares to encroach on the most sacred thing, woodpeckers will boldly rush to defend and protect. If you see a woodpecker flying or knocking, it is worth reconsidering your priorities and put your family and friends at the head of the decision. Learning not to let other people encroach on your boundaries is also a lesson from woodpeckers and the universe.

What do you dream about woodpeckers?
A dream about a woodpecker has a positive meaning for your reality. If you dreamed of a woodpecker, then be prepared to be rewarded for your labors, both in work and in relationships.
If you catch a woodpecker in a dream, then it is worth to dive into self-analysis and identify what prevents you from achieving your goals, to act. Perhaps you should learn to trust your intuition and inner voice to find your "treasure in the bark".
If a woodpecker is knocking on your window, you should find ways to expand your thinking. Perhaps the boundaries you've built for yourself are quite elusive and it's worth stepping beyond them. Birds knocking on windows are quite powerful messengers with important clues for the spiritual path.
If in a dream a woodpecker attacks you or you see a dead woodpecker, then the path to achieving the goal will be quite painful or not possible at all. The offended woodpecker in your dream may be you and you are chiseled with resentment from within, which you need to remove in order to continue the harmonious path and maintain balance.
A woodpecker flying in a dream means that you have chosen the right path of personal and spiritual development, do not turn away from it.
Knock – knock conclusion
Animal-spirit woodpecker is associated with joy and the achievement of desired goals. If you want to get in totem animals such an active and wise guide, contact the spirit woodpecker, paying tribute to his skills and qualities. You can pump your personal character traits to the level of Woodpecker and start by achieving this very goal.