What colors in clothes should women over 50 avoid: these shades add age and distort the image

Stylists recommend that women who have crossed the age of fifty give up some colors in their clothes. Such shades will not only age you, but also make your look gloomy and uninteresting. SSPDaily prepared a list of the colors that all women over 50 should avoid.
Gray color
This color will turn the most attractive forty-year-old woman into a real gray mouse. Stylists do not recommend wearing things of such shades in any case, because they will emphasize all the wrinkles on the face and add extra years. However, if you add, say, a white shirt or a yellow blouse to a gray pantsuit, then the outfit will sparkle with completely different motifs. Gray items can also be combined with blue, red, lilac and beige colors.
Burgundy color
Burgundy and all wine colors in general look quite strange on women of any age. They are not stylized at all and add extra years. Currently, burgundy is not relevant at all, so it is better to avoid it. Instead, you can choose shades of dusty red that will suit any look.
Black color
Black color is suitable for women under 30, it is favorably stylized with other things and adds elegance to the image. After 40, you should give it up because it emphasizes all the age-related changes on the face. If you can't do without black things, you can wear a bottom of this color, being sure to complement the outfit with bright natural colors.
Brown color
If you like brown shades, you should choose beige, cappuccino, and light brown. Then your look will be elegant and luxurious, like a French woman. But you shouldn't wear dark brown, as it will add age and make the overall look gloomy and uninteresting.
Bright shades
These include all unnatural shades that can be on clothes in the form of prints, lines, and flowers. You shouldn't wear things in flashy colors because they will cheapen your look, make it look funny and weird. If you like light colors, it is better to give preference to pastel noble shades that will make the overall style refined and noble.