What is the meaning of the bird that crashed into the window? Spiritual meanings of the event and the symbolism of the winged ones

All events in life are not random. Through events and happenings we experience transformation and get a chance to evolve. Without understanding the meaning and lesson, there is a high probability to start moving in circles, receiving new and new lessons, or depriving ourselves of the opportunity to accept the future and move forward. The spiritual significance of a bird hitting your window will help you understand and even change the course of future events. Having come to understand what a bird hitting or flying into your window means, you will be prepared for the future, and therefore you will be able to learn a lesson and become wiser. To understand the spiritual meaning and symbolism of the bird just read on.

Bird symbolism
Bird as a spiritual animal - a symbol of lightness and freedom. Therefore, the spiritual meaning of the bird hitting your window or flying into your room will carry a completely different meaning.
Flying high, defeating the force of gravity, feathered became a symbol of the possibility of overcoming the material and approaching the sublime. Of course, injury or death of such a creature is not associated with anything good, but it is too early to be frightened.
When a symbol like a bird enters your life:
- a bird has landed on your arm;
- a bird hit your window;
- a bird flies into your room;
- a bird pecked you;
- a bird knocked on your window;
- a bird dropped its feces on you (you should not hold back your joy, because it is for money).
It is definitely worth analyzing the events that happened and remember what you have to do in the near future. Remember, we are not given a clue from above, which we could not solve.
The spiritual animal bird symbolizes going beyond the boundaries you have set for yourself (you may continue to think that you are limited by the world). For example, if you are sad about your finances and already believe that this is your ceiling, the bird can remind you that it's time to change the course of your thinking and continue to believe that there is a way out. Stepping in bird feces may not be very pleasant, but it is worth thinking about what it means and the day will be directed in a positive direction.
Since ancient times birds have been considered messengers, remember hawks and pigeons with the help of which conveyed messages by tying a leaf to their leg. Before the invention of bird mail, people believed that the gods conveyed messages through winged creatures and meeting them was extremely important:
- the arrival of a dove is good news (remember Noah's Ark);
- the sound of an owl or a cuckoo to an imminent death;
- the arrival of a blackbird to death;
- magpie flying in - misfortune or bad outcome of the upcoming deal.
As you can see, the symbolic meaning of the bird can be interpreted differently, depending on the species. How to determine and unravel the message of the meeting with the bird will tell us further.

What a bird crashing into your window can symbolize
Regardless of the kind of winged meaning of a bird that crashed into your window carries spiritual significance for your future and the events in it. Often it can mean:
- minor turmoil;
- a dramatic change in your life, not necessarily a bad one;
- the beginning of the healing of your soul;
- financial problems;
- the death of a close or distant relative or acquaintance;
- a reminder that it is necessary to finish the business that hangs over you "like the Sword of Damocles".
In order to understand more precisely what a meeting with a bird means, you need to compare several factors: feelings (meditation) and intuition, analyzing upcoming events in your life, analyzing how the meeting with the bird occurred and what kind of feathered bird it was.

What is the meaning of a bird hitting your window
From the event and its consequences for the bird will depend on the unraveling of the spiritual meaning of the message. If the bird that hit your window, dies, nothing good it does not bode well. Especially if such a bird was a thrush, an owl or a cuckoo. These species are harbingers of death, but death may not be literal either. At times, the event brings the collapse of a great cause and endeavor. Remember that the end of the old can be the beginning of the new. The death of a bird after hitting your glass, means that you need to let the event happen and take it with all the lessons, becoming stronger and wiser. The same meaning can have a dream in which you dream of a dead bird. Remember the feelings and circumstances, because it is important to unravel the message. Trust yourself - this spiritual message was just for you.
When you saw a dead bird on the road or ground often you are waiting for small difficulties in life from being late for work, to the refusal of reciprocity in a new relationship. You can surrender to fate and go to the second round of the lesson, and you can run faster to the streetcar or find an approach to the attractive person. In the second option you will go beyond the conditions given to you, such a decision can lead to a change in the nearest events and consequences in destiny, in the end the universe will say: "well I warned you". On the other hand you will get a lot of additional lessons, because it is only your choice what way (long or short) to go to harmony and wisdom. If you value happiness at the extra twists and turns in fate, your prize (wisdom) at the end of the journey can double. It's simple, isn't it?

When a bird hitting the glass portends good events
The dove, the bird of peace and hope, can be such a messenger of good changes. Noah sent a dove to find the earth. When the bird did not return, it was a sign that the earth was near and the flood would soon end. Noah did not think about other possible events that influenced the absence of the dove, he believed his own feelings and interpretation of events.
The new changes that will come into your life with the appearance of the dove flying through the window will be the beginning of new opportunities and positive change. Since change can cause anxiety and apprehension you are given a dove to make you more confident in your actions and future.
A bird hitting your window may indicate that you are depressed or closed off to the universe as destructive processes are taking place within you, causing life to collapse. Take time to meditate, by figuring yourself out you will be closer to freedom as a bird.

Spiritual meaning of a bird that flew in through your window
Not dead - already good. The bird that flew to you through the window wants to warn you about changes and reassure you. Such a message is given to not miss new opportunities and focus on a positive outcome of the solution of events. However, if such winged became birds - harbingers of death, it is worth preparing for sad events. Birds, like all living things on earth communicate with us energetically. They feel events that we have dulled with evolution and the development of civilization. Some species of birds are more sensitive to fading energy, so if a person is prismiri in the house, they fly in to notify of an upcoming event and give everyone time to emotionally prepare.
What does a bird beating on the glass mean?
If a bird beats its wings or beak against the glass, you should be prepared for changes in your wealth and, often at first, not for the better. Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew draws the attention of his disciples to birds. By saying that birds live by what the Lord gives them. Jesus means that birds enjoy what is given to them without overcoming their strength and without working harder and harder every day to build a better nest and eat more grain. When a bird hits your glass, it is time to reconsider your plans for your daily load. Remember the universe is for harmony and wisdom in you. If in the aftermath of such a sign you lose in finances or lose your property - it is worth accepting this lesson, it means that you were approaching an inner collapse and the universe decided to fix it. It is worth thinking about another way of financial prosperity that does not take so much energy from you.

Spiritual meaning of a bird perched on your window
A feathered messenger sitting on your window sill has come to talk about something important to you. The bird on the window encourages you to move in the direction of solving the issue and not to put it off in a long box. Even if such a matter is an elementary cold that you are not treating or a psychological crisis that you are not dealing with. Remember, the world needs you to come to the development of harmony on the Earth, so the world is trying by all means to direct you to creation, not to the early destruction of yourself, at least until the mission is accomplished. Seeing a bird on the window think about yourself, what you would like to solve and find an opportunity to go to the doctor, finally or send a resume for a new job.
What to do with a bird that has flown under your window or flown in
When you know what to expect from a bird that has invaded your life, you need to figure out how to behave properly. Many people immediately begin to kick out and drive away the winged one. So you will not solve anything. The event is already predetermined anyway, but you can worsen the situation by not understanding what the message was.
- If a bird has crashed through your window and is lying on the window sill. If it is alive, try to help it by giving it some water or food. Check to see if she is okay and help her if necessary. In this way you will show that you accept its message and are grateful for its purpose.
- If the bird died on impact, wrap it in a cloth and place it on the ground. In this way you will also express gratitude, acceptance and a plus in karma.
- If the bird has flown into your room and behaves relatively calmly, you can contact the bird for some time, offering it water or food. If the bird is frightened and tries to find a way out, help it.
- If the bird came to you in a dream. Try to memorize as much as possible detail of your dream. In the morning meditation it will help you to unravel the message.
- If you met a dead bird, you can reduce the negative impact on your life, not related to you message. Run your hand along your body, without touching it, from top to bottom and blow it off your palm into the ground. Yes, yes, this is exactly what you did as a child after experiencing fear of a dead animal. Remember, sometimes ancient spiritual knowledge is hidden in such habits from childhood.