Why do people place saltwater under the bed: unraveling folk beliefs

The tradition of placing a glass of saltwater under or near the bed before going to sleep is a ritual that has been passed down from generation to generation. SSPDaily has explored the meaning and purpose of this unique action.
The practice of putting saltwater by the bed stems from the belief that negative energy in the room can have a detrimental effect on the well-being and harmony of people and their relationships. Symptoms commonly associated with such energy include frequent illness, depression, and increased conflict between family members.
To counteract these issues, it is essential to cleanse the energy in the home. Our ancestors sought protection and used what can be compared to an "energy trap" in the form of a glass of water filled with salt. The mixture acts like a magnet, attracting and retaining negatively charged energy, thus reducing its impact on a person.
To properly create an "energy trap," a glass of tap water is used, to which a few teaspoons of salt are added. This glass is placed on the nightstand at the headboard or, according to ancient beliefs, under the bed itself. It was believed that by placing it near the head, where thoughts are concentrated, one could effectively neutralize negative emotions.
In some cases, people even resort to sprinkling salt in the corners of their homes when they feel that the accumulated negativity needs to be thoroughly dispelled. Ideally, this is done when no one is home, as it is believed to increase the effectiveness of the ritual.