Why is the crow cawing at you? Spiritual meaning and symbolic significance

The cawing of crows causes anxiety and trepidation in the soul. This is partly because in many film adaptations, stories, and images the crow is mystified to the maximum. However, there are reasons for this phenomenon as well. Crows are quite an ancient species and our ancestors, more aware of the world of spirits and nature, made certain conclusions in studying the meaning of crows. Believe me, the cawing of crows has caused excitement before.
Today, we will explore the spiritual meaning of the crow's voice and the significance of the bird as much as possible so that your encounter will be less exciting and more understandable. Like the owl's voice, the crow's cawing evokes a sense of danger, as the birds are predatory and have quite impressive sharp talons and beaks. Both birds are more connected to the world of magic than the others, but the spiritual meaning of crows is largely distinctive.

What does the crow symbolize?
The qualities of crows can surprise and conquer many. Crows can build logical chains, reflect, and analyze. Their hierarchy in the flock is marked. Birds with a very developed intuition have a strong energy field, they are associated with supernatural and magical forces. Ravens are adaptive to the environment and circumstances. Their brain is able to develop, and the crow itself can get in contact with people. If you hear a crow cawing, make sure the message is addressed to you. Due to their qualities and skills, crows symbolize:
- wisdom;
- intuition, close to mystical powers and possibilities;
- a deep connection with other worlds;
- transformation of the transition from one world to another;
- organization;
- death.
If you have been given a raven or crow totem, you have an amazing set of qualities and skills waiting for you to utilize in life. Raven totem can endow you and mystical abilities if your contact reaches the right depth of understanding.

Spiritual meanings of crow cawing
To determine the spiritual meaning of the crow cawing at you, you need to analyze the situation well:
- the place of the event;
- time of day;
- the number of crows;
- the number of caws;
- your state and thoughts at that moment.
By recognizing the variations in the meanings of the cawing of crows in different situations, you will be able to unravel the message that the Universe has revealed to you through mystical spirit animals. The cry of the crow will become the direction for the coming days.
What does it mean to have a crow cawing at you through a window?
We've already uncovered the spiritual significance of birds crashing through your windows, but, what if a crow is simply cawing outside your window? Just like an owl a crow can fly to your defense, by sensing negative energy approaching, the crow is warning you about it. When they say: you're going to get into trouble – think that crows can attract it, but in fact, they are just trying to keep it away. A strong cry of a crow at the window can be the arrival in the house of a person who wishes you evil or a negative outcome of affairs if you do not change your course and decisions. Remember that you can avoid bad events by changing your decisions. Do not be frightened by the cry, listen to it and soon follow the events, you will feel the event about which the crow cried in the window.
Crows gather near your house and circle, what does it mean?
If you have a raven totem, the birds may simply feel an energetic connection and follow you around. Sometimes totem animals appear at important times in your life or may settle near you. If you do not feel negativity and fear of crows, take their proximity as a defense because they smell danger a kilometer away and will always warn you, even better than dogs.
If your fear grows into panic, you should understand the reason for the appearance of crows. Analyze yourself first, if you are angry or irritated, it is worth starting with your inner feelings. If it does not concern you, carefully watch the nearest events, crows can mean the unforeseen appearance of not-very-good guests on your doorstep.
What does a crow's voice mean at the moment of decision making?
Such an event is possible and quite common. When there are turning points or transformations in your life and you mentally or audibly begin to make decisions, the crow may crow caw at one of the options. The fact is that many people endow crows with the ability of telepathy plus deep intuition and the crow can point to the right decision. With its cawing, the crow suggests the best choice for your future, even if at this stage the option is not very attractive.
What does the crow's gaze mean?
During the gaze of the crow scans you, as if it wants to get through and read the deepest depths. Her attention to you is certainly not accidental, something in your energy field has attracted her. Perhaps you feel in yourself open spiritual forces or on the contrary, a decline in strength to impossible. Crow can come to you with a clue on how to correct the situation. Listen to your thoughts – only this way you can understand the crow.
Crow cawing at night, what does it mean?
The voice of birds at night can excite and carry a deep spiritual meaning. The crow is already associated with the night and its cawing can be quite normal. However, if the crow's cawing wakes you up, look at your watch. In the period from 3 to 4 a.m. (witching hour), the crow may caw because of magical interference in your life. It is worth paying attention to cleansing your energy and the energy of the house. Before 3 a.m., the cawing of a crow means the arrival of a soul mate who has gone to another world. Crows, like many birds, have a deep connection to other worlds and can serve as a portal.
A crow has pooped on you or your property
The spiritual significance of bird excrement will be the foundation to unravel. Depending on the circumstances, a crow pooping on you carries a powerful clue that is worth stopping your run and thinking about why the universe wants you to linger. Perhaps you are missing an opportunity for profit or should go the other way, in case of a sense of danger.
If you dreamed about a crow, what does it mean?
The crow comes in a dream for a warning, depending on its behavior (calm or aggressive) will depend on the meaning. If the crow is calmer, and the warning concerns you personally, it is worth looking into the issues and problems within yourself. And, if the behavior of the crow in a dream is aggressive towards you: you are on the way to destruction and someone is trying very hard to help you in this. The aggression of a crow in a dream means that you should analyze your surroundings and distance yourself from people who bring negativity into your life and add "oil to the fire".
Crow is cawing on you when walking down the street, what does it mean?
It means that you need to slow down and think about what situation the crow cawing refers to, otherwise, the black messenger may resort to an attack to get you to understand better. Crows attack people very rarely, but it is possible if the Universe cannot reach you. Remember that the task of the Universe is to save you for the journey of the soul, which must come to wisdom and harmony. This applies not only to you, for you are a direct participant in the life and development of others. With the help of crows, the Universe can punish you for sins and becoming on the path of self-destruction, because you destroy not only your harmony at this moment.

Does it matter how many times a crow crows?
It is very important because the crow is not used to open its beak just like that. Crow cawing is a conversation and you can understand it:
- If the crow cawed at you once, you are going through a time of transformation and spiritual development. With its cawing, the crow calls you not to retreat, but on the contrary to strengthen your efforts;
- if the crow cawed twice, you should look beyond the boundaries of your usual thinking, because there are new prospects and opportunities for your success;
- if the crow cawed three times, you will be tested by unpleasant events and you should be ready to accept them in order not to get stuck in a period of stagnation of transformation;
- if the crow cawed four times, you are making the right decisions and are on your way to success in your endeavors. This can apply to both work and relationships.
- a multitude of crow cawing will mean that you need to be wary of internal and external changes. Do not take unnecessary risks and think twice when making decisions.

The number of crows communicating with you
Crows like to gather collectively. Their conversation among themselves may not be important to you, but if you realize that the crow cawing is addressed to you, count the individuals who have entered into conversation with you:
- If one crow caws at you, you should praise yourself for the decisions you have made, they are correct and lead to harmony and wisdom of the soul. Most likely, the leader of the flock cawked at you, marking the equality of your status and opportunities. For a shy and indecisive person, the cawing of one crow means that your potential is ready to be revealed and it is necessary to take bold steps to improve;
- if two crows cawing at you, it means that you should pay attention to the partnership relationship. Find the value, identify it, and think about how to help your partner in spiritual development and what you need. The partnership of crows – it is an equal interchange and they watch the balance, which will have to do and you
- If three crows are cawing, it is worth accepting a message from the other world. The clue may be related to upcoming events and opportunities.
- If four crows caw, you should not deviate from the chosen course. Ravens say that whatever obstacles do not arise now, the case will be successful and useful for you.
- If a flock of crows caws, you should open your soul, for you are receiving a powerful blessing from above.

When the voice of a crow can mean the approach of death?
Crows are scavengers and they sense death long before its final arrival. When a crow's caws are distended and muffled, like the tolling of a funeral church bell, you might be facing death. Death is not necessarily yours, it could be news of the death of a loved one. Crows, like many birds, serve as guides and try to prepare the human soul for the transition to another world.
What the Indians thought about crows
Crows were powerful magical totems for the Indians. The birds were considered protectors and those who carried wisdom. "Ask an old raven" is a phrase that leads to the realization that raven wisdom develops throughout a lifetime. In Native American legends, ravens often fly in to help, rescue, and protect.