The spiritual meaning of meeting with an owl. Symbolism and meaning

What does it mean to meet an owl?. Source: Photographer: Moroznaya_PhoPixabay

Learning to read messages from the universe is one of the stages of wisdom. Often birds are messengers of spiritual meaning. Today we will reveal the symbolic meaning of the owl, so that the spiritual meaning of your meeting will become clearer. The choice is yours: to go with the flow or to get closer to unraveling the spiritual meaning of life.

Owls are powerful spiritual animals, if you have seen an owl, it is time to learn its meaning. Rarely seen bird (unless you are an owl keeper in a zoo or a doctor in a zoo clinic) appeared to you, so only you can reveal the message and spiritual meaning of the owl.

Spiritual animal owl - symbolism

What is the symbolism of the owl?

The symbolism of the owl varies depending on the culture, faith and region you live in. However, the general meaning of owls is:

  • wisdom and the path to enlightenment;
  • protection and warning;
  • good luck and self-actualization.

What an encounter with an owl will symbolize in your particular case depends on:

  • Knowledge of the spiritual meaning of owls (the ability to uncover the message through analysis);
  • the development of intuition (some are able to simply feel the spiritual meaning of the message when meeting an owl);
  • the type of bird (color and moment of contact);
  • the way the owl's spirit animal communicates with you (ears, droppings, actions, etc.);
  • events coming up in your life (today, in a few days).
Owl - spiritual significance

The spiritual significance of owls in various cultures

Owls are associated with the world of magic and other worlds in many cultures. Therefore, owls are present in various mythological treatises and folklore. The spiritual significance of the owl is fully revealed if you know the origins of each culture

European continent

An example of the interpretation of the spiritual meaning of the owl can be Ancient Greece. The Greeks considered the owl to be the earthly image of Aphrodite, the goddess of wisdom. Now it is clearer why the owl is associated with wisdom. Wisdom for the Greeks was a special way of defense, because the wise in advance sees the danger. Therefore, to see an owl meant to be lucky and see the danger ahead. Owls were released before battles to give the troops wisdom and additional protection. You may have seen the owl symbol on law enforcement uniforms - a sign of protection and wisdom to see ahead.

Ancient Rome had distinctive concepts about owl symbolism. If you saw an owl - start digging your own grave, as the bird symbolized imminent death. The unlucky Romans who found an owl in the Capitol were lustrated.

Native Americans - Indians

Indians most associated their world with the spiritual world of animals and plants. However, different tribes had their own concepts of the meaning of the owl. In some tribes, the owl was a symbol of death, but not literal death. An encounter with an owl signified a period of transformation, when something old had passed away and something new had to be embraced. Most often the transformation was internal and aimed at the arrival of wisdom. Other tribes, however, frightened the younger generation with the owl's hoot, speaking of the evil spirits that come with this bird. Fear, also a way of protection, because fear makes you concentrate and quickly analyze looking for a way out.

The same Indians considered the owl one of the most powerful totems, because the animal had unique abilities (speed, sharpness of the eye, quick analysis of the situation).

Maya and Aztecs

Ancient cultures also mentioned owls. Drawings of the bird survived in their architecture and written tables. The depiction of owls was more often associated with the depiction of the god of death, Mictlantecuhtli. The spiritual meaning of the owl was death in the literal sense.

The Celts

Considered the owl a kind of judge of truth. The meaning of the owl was: to reward an honest and honorable person.

Ancient Egyptians

The owl symbolized death, but for the Egyptians it was only a process of transition to the afterlife, so the owl was not feared, but rather worshiped her.


The Kikuyu tribe gave owls otherworldly powers and believed that the birds came to take someone's life.


For Christians, owls were mysterious creatures that were somewhat feared. To meet an owl meant to prepare for unpleasant events, to be fully armed.

An owl hooting - meaning

Spiritual meaning of owl hooting

If an owl is communicating with you by means of a voice, it is necessary to listen to the tone, frequency and response that causes the heard owl cry in your soul. It is not necessary to think about the worst, but it is definitely necessary to concentrate on the inner world and events. With its hooting owl can carry such messages:

  • warning of imminent danger and wrong decisions - the cry is shrill and frequent;
  • you are off the right path and it is necessary to harmonize your inner state - the cry of the owl will be rather long and responding in the depths of the soul;
  • a call to action. If you hesitate in your decisions and postpone them meeting with a screeching owl means: be brave, you are on the right path. Then the owl's hearing will be persistent, but not frightening.

The meaning of owl droppings on you

If you entered the owl droppings or the bird on you pooped be ready to stop. And not just to clean your clothes. The owl is telling you that you are missing an opportunity (profit, transformation, love). Reconsider your immediate decisions, you may even take a different road, literally.

Seeing an owl - meaning

If you have seen an owl, what does it mean?

The spiritualmeaning of seeing an owl can have these meanings for life:

  • harmonizing yourself. If an owl tries to look at you silently, penetrating with its gaze inside you or restlessly turns its head - pay attention to the discord within yourself. This behavior of the animal can mean that your internal energy is unbalanced and destroying from within.
  • acceptance of being wrong. Remember that owls are wise and sometimes they appear to us to make us take a step back. Reconsider your behavior in your relationship with your life partner or in business. If you'd rather win a war than a battle now it's better to back off by admitting wrong and take another more peaceful path.
  • danger. It can also be literal. If you hear the piercing cry of an owl, stop. Reconsider the purpose of your path or take a completely different road. Especially if the owl's cry caused you to feel panic-stricken.
  • acceptance of death. Death is more of an allegory or metaphor here. Understanding and accepting the "death" of relationships, business, the "old" self is important otherwise it is impossible to move on. Once you see the owl, accept and let go of your past as your new path awaits you. You must act more decisively to get back on the path that leads to happiness and harmony.

To see a dead owl, what does it mean?

Do not panic, a dead owl on java or in a dream, carries all the same messages, only the universe decided to shock you a little. This is due to the fact that you refuse to hear the clues and persistently follow the path to premature destruction. Remember that the universe needs you to fulfill a higher mission and it is doing everything to keep you safe.

An owl in a dream - meaning

Dreamed an owl, what does it mean?

In a dream, a spiritual animal owl can warn us about a quarrel or a bad person nearby. If besides the owl you saw someone familiar should look closely at his actions in life in relation to you. In any case, this dream is yours, so unraveling remember your feelings in the dream. You can resort to practice immediately upon awakening. Without opening your eyes remember the smallest details and your feelings, compare them with plans and meetings for today.

Symbolism of the color of the owl

The color of the owl can also influence the unraveling of the message for you. Of course you don't need to study the species and colors of the wise birds. To know what the color of the owl appearing in front of you means, you just need to see the general background of the bird: gray, white or black.

White owl - meaning

White owls

The ancients compared white owls to angels and were convinced that such birds bring good, good news in life. Later, people began to make wishes after seeing a white owl. After all, it is sure to transmit this wish above. White owls symbolize transformation, exactly that to which we are all going - the transition to the higher world, energy connection with the cosmos and God. The appearance of a white owl in front of you should inspire you, it means that you are on the right path. Remember about desire.

The significance of gray owls - pushing the boundaries of thinking

Gray owls

Something between black and white, a fusion, a golden mean - if you will. Meaning of gray owls - breaking down boundaries, going beyond your limited imagination. Try mixing black and white and life will be multifaceted. The gray owl appears to encourage you to act more decisively and not so straightforwardly.

A black owl signifies a change of path

Black owls

Going beyond thinking about death, the true spiritual meaning of black owls can be revealed. These owls are endowed with special powers of protection. They communicate with your subconscious mind to understand where there is disharmony. When you see a black owl, it is necessary to change the path radically (the path internal or external). Make bold decisions for yourself by sitting down to analyze. Remember, owls only make the leap when they see the goal accurately. Once you see the black owl, it's time for you to see a clear goal and move towards it day by day.

Final mantra

The owl is a powerful spiritual animal that reminds us of purpose and meaning in life. If you see an owl, feel its message intuitively and then tap into knowledge. The spiritual world speaks to us through energy and vibrations, learn its language to hear the clues of the universe.

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