Bride’s Bouquet Toss Leads to Wild Brawl Among Guests

Immediately after a couple exchanged vows, tension rose among guests competing for the bride's flowers. Commenters on social media remarked, "These women would win medals in wrestling at the Olympics," indicating shock at the scene.
During the event, petals flew, dresses were stained, and hairdos were disheveled. This drama unfolded when a Bosnian bride threw her bouquet toward a group of single friends. While this scene was undignified, it isn't a new phenomenon.
Women have historically wrestled for the bouquet to become the next bride. This tradition, originating in the UK in the 1800s, claims that the woman who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry. To mitigate fierce competition, many brides now designate one woman to receive the flowers. For instance, Chloe Robinson opted to hand her bouquet to her mother, leading to a quick engagement when her mother's boyfriend proposed right after.

Not all men appreciate this tradition. A comedic guest at a wedding in Millbrook, Alabama, fled the venue when his girlfriend caught the bouquet, clearly showing his unwillingness to marry.
The guests at the Bosnian event craved more than just matrimony; they seemed enthusiastic for a brawl. Upon catching the bouquet, a tug-of-war erupted among three women, resulting in them landing on the floor, tangled in their gowns.
Despite pleas from the DJ and onlookers, the fierce struggle continued. An observer expressed, "If I were a guy at that wedding, I would have quietly disappeared."
Another attendee described the brawl perspective, stating, "Once they’re on the floor, it becomes a matter of principle to not let go."
Cynics were quick to mock the fighters: "What pathetic women," one commented, expressing curiosity about the fight's outcome and the women's appearance post-brawl.