Chaos in Kelowna: Two Elusive Pigs Captured After Prolonged Chase, School Kids Cheer

Two pigs on the loose for over two days in West Kelowna were finally captured amid much excitement from elementary school students who were cheering them on, Castanet reported. The pigs, which were first noticed Tuesday afternoon by a concerned resident, caused a stir when they were spotted around Mar Jok Elementary School on Wednesday morning. This prompted a response from the RCMP, RDCO animal control, the Okanagan Humane Society, Petra’s Pawdicures, and Star’s Piggly Wiggly Sanctuary.
Faith Affleck of Star’s Piggly Wiggly Sanctuary reported that multiple rescue groups were involved in the recapture of the pigs. The first pig was easily secured in a field and placed in a van. "It went very smooth and we got him in the van," said Jacenda Byer of Petra’s Pawdicures. However, the second pig put up quite a chase.
For 30 minutes, rescuers pursued the second pig, reaching a climax as it darted around the schoolyard to the delight of the watching students. The pig was cornered against a fence with the help of a soccer net and some broken fencing. "Once they had the fence over his back, I crawled underneath, grabbed his legs, and held on for dear life until more people could help me hold him," Byer explained. Eventually, they successfully corralled the pig into a crate.
The students' cheers of "Go, piggy, go!" echoed around the schoolyard, enhancing the chaotic yet humorous spectacle. "They were cheering hard for him," Faith Affleck noted, appreciating the children's enthusiasm.
Although Byer humorously remarked that they were "not impressed with ourselves," she was glad everything turned out safely, with the pigs providing an entertaining story for the kids to recount to their parents.
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