Symbolism and spiritual meanings of rain

How do you react to rain? Perhaps wet weather makes you feel dull, apathetic, and want to take shelter in a warm blanket, or are you among the romantics whose symbolism and meaning of rain evoke peace of mind, harmony, and desire to write poetry? Or maybe you are among those lucky people who run barefoot outside in wet weather, feeling a rush of adrenaline and a rise in positive emotions?
The symbolism of rain is described in various religions, exalted in the literature of different cultures, and fixed, even in dream books (the meaning of rain in a dream). Today we will tell you: what does rain symbolize for you, what spiritual meanings are suitable for you and what does your dream about rain mean.
The meaning of rain in our lives may be a bit elusive, but it is undeniable, both from the point of view of physics and chemistry and from the point of view of psychology and spiritual sciences, which study the states of the soul under any influences. Today you will consider rain in terms of a psychological panacea or weapon, a spiritual phenomenon, and a sign of the Universe.

Symbolism of rain in cultures and religions
The meaning of rain for our ancestors was not just symbolic, it was often a matter of survival, so the physical and spiritual meaning of rain was undeniable and important.
- The ancient Greeks and Egypt. Two great kingdoms worshiped the goddess Tefnut. Rain symbolized life on Earth. The god Zeus was also the patron saint of rain, thunder, and lightning. The symbolism of rain was peppered with prosperity, blessing, but it could also be heavenly punishment.
- The Bible shows us rain not only as a blessing but also as a symbol of purification and a test of faith. The story of the Flood shows that the meaning of rain can be relatively bad, but even that was done for good. Nothing happens for nothing and everything has a higher purpose.
- Members of Hinduism also had their gods who controlled rainfall: Indra, Svarga, or Varuna. All of them could both bless with rain and punish. Rain symbolized power over the lives and destinies of spiritual beings.
The symbolism of rain in ancient cultures and beliefs speaks of the significant place of weather phenomena in human life. Spiritual meanings of rain were an indisputable axiom and man correlated his actions, thoughts, and decisions with the appearance of clouds in the sky. Today the symbolism of rain is more personal, we draw rain in a picture, wishing to show that a person is sad or a storm with rain to accommodate the storm of emotions. The romanticization of rain on the screen and in literature is related to the personal perception of rain. The symbolism of the noise of rain is soothing rather than exhilarating, and we are sufficiently protected from the thunderstorm to call it a punishment. The meaning of rain has not become superficial, rather it has deepened and revealed a few more secrets of the universe, which we will show you to expand the spiritual meanings of rain by inserting between "bad" and "good."

The meaning and impact of rain – modern science
Did you know that rain reduces crime? A study published in the New York Times in 2009 and a police report in 2015 proved it. Whether rain works psychologically and chemically or whether criminals are simply too lazy to leave the house is not completely clear, but the fact remains.
Another proof of the meaning of rain and the importance of its occurrence in people's lives was a study that showed that children's behavior before rain or storms changes dramatically and by and large, can predict storms or storms. Meanwhile, a 2012 study said that females are more susceptible to mood changes in rainy weather. Now do you realize how important the meaning and symbolism of rain is to humans? No? Here's a theory that the summer monsoons caused the collapse of three dynasties in China (Tang, Yuan, and Ming).
It's not all bad. There is a theory about pink noise, which is the sound of raindrops, among other things. It is believed that with the help of "pink noise," you can model the psychological state of a person. What is rain: good or bad?
Of course, science tries to explain everything on a biologic-chemical level, forgetting about our third component. Our spiritual part is also connected with the spirit of rain, like a change in pressure with a headache. The significance of a rainbow appearing in the sky can carry a massive spiritual message, but what about rain? Is it for everyone or is it for everyone?

The spiritual meanings of the rain are a conception
The symbolism and meaning of rain is neither good nor bad. This wisdom of the universe will be comprehended by you if you delve into your feelings before and during the rain. Rain can be a sign just for you, or it can be a transformation for many, but in their own spheres. Rain is always personal, although it is seen by many. You will experience this by touching the rain with your body and soul.
Release and deliverance
How often during or after a stressful time do we like to be in the shower? Water is soothing, warming not only the body but also the soul. How can cold rain warm you? – An anticipated question from the skeptics. The energy of rain washes over us just as physical water does. When we are tired, exhausted mentally and spiritually rain can energetically release our burdens and make us breathe fully. Whether you are at home or outdoors, in sorrow or in joy, rain can mean it is time to cleanse yourself, get rid of the heavy stone lying on your soul, and re-energize.
Connection with the spiritual world
How often do you dream of departed relatives before the rain or during the rain? The spiritual meaning of the rain may be the need to see, and get support from relatives who are already in the spiritual world. Perhaps your sadness has been heard or their job is to warn you, but when it rains the connection to our and the spiritual worlds is much stronger.
A reminder of the fragility of the world and balance
As much as humanity tries to shield and protect itself from the elements, so far it's a pretty flimsy endeavor. A storm with rain can come to us as a reminder of the fragility and transience of life, the importance of remembering our higher spiritual purpose and not getting stuck in dullness and sadness, although they are important in moderation for important lessons in wisdom. Rain has a beginning and an end, and so does your suffering. After the rain, things may bloom, or they may perish. Your mental balance determines the life within you.
When the sky turns black and the clouds hang low, it seems to us that the whole world has become gloomy and unfriendly. It hasn't. Rather, you don't want to see the unresolved issues living in you that resemble clouds. Cry together with the rain, accept yourself with the whole palette of all kinds of emotions, and when the rain is over wipe your tears and go on smiling to yourself. The rain lives in you too, but it has a beginning and an end.
The spiritual meaning of rain for you may be change. It is up to you to start with a clean slate this day or life, this mood or view of the world, but the rain is the beginning of a new life and new views.
Obstacle or warning
Rain can be an obstacle when you choose the wrong path. The universe is trying to protect you or keep you safe, so don't worry about wasting time in traffic when it's raining. You may be supposed to be in the right place at the right time, but you are in too much of a hurry.
Prosperity and blessing
When you experience rain not as a burden but as a blessing, you will most likely be rewarded with something soon. Perhaps it will be another brick to build harmony, or perhaps it will be something tangible that brings you closer to prosperity.
If putting your face under the raindrops you feel good, perhaps your endeavors, decisions, and thoughts have been approved from above. Be thankful for that sign, now you know in which direction to go.
With the arrival of rain, you can also expect positive changes in many areas of life, try to hear what the rain "sings" to you.

Spiritual meanings of heavy rainfall
Downpours, storms, and other natural disasters associated with rain can cause not only a storm of emotions but also the question for everyone: why do we need it? In Ancient times, people knew that punishment from the heavens in the form of heavy rain that ruined homes and crops was the resentment of the Gods for their misdeeds.
Today, natural disasters with rain are considered a sign of climate change, violation of natural laws, and a consequence of human actions, scientists prove. Whether we punish ourselves or the higher powers make us realize that mankind is going the wrong way – it is up to you to decide. But, as soon as someone's house is in trouble in the form of rain, he begins to turn to the higher powers in the hope of miraculous help. The feeling of connection with something higher, something greater than us, is never lost.
The spiritual meaning of heavy rain is a reminder and warning of what will happen if humanity continues to exist in the same priorities.

Dream about rain – meaning
Rain in a dream is a reflection of your intended paths. After all, you have already outlined them with your thoughts. Quiet and calm rain in a dream means that you are waiting for a good period, that issues are resolved positively, and you are on the way to harmony and balance. Heavy rain in a dream means that you are cleansing yourself and getting rid of burdens. You are now attracting energies that will help you know relief and attract good fortune and joy.
Storms in the form of rain in a dream signify a warning of turbulent times, passions and chaos coming to meet. A rain storm in a dream can be a reflection of the chaos that has already filled your soul and you feel constant irritation, negativity and dissatisfaction with life. Having received such a warning it is worth to take care of changing your state of mind.
If you are running in the rain in a dream, you should pay attention to your inner desires, which lately have been popping up in your thoughts more and more often. It is time to realize at least one of them. Give yourself some inner freedom.
Conclusion about rain
The spiritual meanings of rain may seem blurry to you, but they will be more accurate for you if you read them with your feelings and trust your intuition. If the rain makes you feel sad, it probably has nothing to do with it, it's worth digging into your memories and associations. The calm and renewal that raindrops can bring is a real miracle, you can accept and understand it, you can enjoy it, and you can take shelter under an umbrella without even asking the rain why it came.